[center][@DrowsyPangolin][/center] The bird that flew around the mountaintop temple laid there in the air, unnoticed by the eyes of those humans in the temple themselves. Around the temple laid countless Bounded Fields, none near the strength of that absurd anti-spirit one that surrounded the temple grounds, but in their quantity it seemed that the temple was a frightening prospect to challenge. A sort of pressure emanated from the grounds below, as though something hidden just out of sight was present, keeping out of view from the bird's purvey. And yet, as Ernest's eyes looked through it, there was the unshakeable feeling that his familiar had somehow been noticed, and was being watched up until now. There didn't seem to be a Master, or anyone who would fit that bill within sight, though. [hr] [center][h2]Ruler, Church Interior[/h2] [@DrowsyPangolin] [@Holy Grail] [@Cu Chulainn] [@Beloss][/center] Oh, a human who was clearly not a human had arrived at the church as well. No, he clearly wasn't a Master, but still had that unfamiliar reek of magic to him. A familiar, then? A human body called into service? Ruler's expression soured, if only slightly, before regaining his prior luster. It took him a handful of seconds before he was able to connect the intonation of the thrall with a previous visitor, but once he'd managed to, he gave a slight nod in understanding. [color=fff79a]"Ah, fair enough."[/color] He replied with a quiet laugh under his breath. [color=fff79a]"As far as the basic rules, as a magus I am sure you're already aware. Don't expose yourself to the public, don't attack the foundation of the war itself, don't engage in combat on neutral ground, and if you can, please try and keep the loss of civilian life to a minimum."[/color] [color=fff79a]"As for the conclusion of the war, well, that's been made different from the norm by this one's scale. Once seven Servants have fallen, the Holy Grail will be capable of granting a wish. Conflict may continue after that, but once someone has obtained the Holy Grail and made their wish, the system will shut down and the war will be at an end."[/color] He explained, a new, almost mischievous light entering his smile. [color=fff79a]"As for how to obtain the Holy Grail...well, it wouldn't be fair if I disclosed that so early."[/color] [hr] [center][h2]Matou Zouken, Melina von Einzbern[/h2][/center] [color=a2d39c]"Well, I can't exactly applaud the circumstances, but for a second Servant to fall this early is something to be commended. We're that much closer to our goal."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Still, I wish Berserker would...listen to me more. I don't like the idea of wasting a Command Seal on that sort of thing, but..."[/color] [color=a2d39c]"I did warn you about trusting the rest of the Einzberns in procuring a catalyst. They wanted power above all else, so the result reflects that."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Tch, not all of us can strike a perfect balance between power and compatibility, you know."[/color] [color=a2d39c]"Ahaha, sorry, sorry. At any rate, don't worry about it. She might be insane, but she's shown no thoughts of betrayal so far. She understands her priorities."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Yeah, I guess. What we're doing now, do you think Teacher would be proud of it?"[/color] [color=a2d39c]"I'm sure she would. Everything we're doing is for the continuation of that dream, after all."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"...a toast, then. To utopia."[/color] [color=a2d39c]"To utopia."[/color] [hr] And so, as a Master without a Servant came to arrive at the house of a foreign god, sunlight faded from the city of Fuyuki. [center][b]NIGHT TWO[/b][/center]