[hider=Sgt. Sem Taask] [center][indent][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs41/f/2009/034/f/f/Zion_by_Thrask.jpg[/img][/indent][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Sem Taask [b]Species:[/b] Zeltron [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Planet of Origin/Birth:[/b] Marisk IV [b]Force Sensitive:[/b] Yes (Untrained) [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b][indent] - [b]One Shot, One Kill[/b] - Sem is a crack shot and everything that implies. He's been called an idiot savant before and he's alright with that--apparently being an idiot hasn't stopped him from being able to pop an Imp from as far away as is bloody possible. His time with the Rebellion has honed that skill, and now you'd be hard-pressed to find a better sharpshooter. - [b]Bleeding Heart[/b] - Like all Zeltron, Sem is mildly telepathic. While he's able to project his own emotions to a greater or lesser degree, he is unfortunately talented at reading and vicariously experiencing the emotions of others, which is just as awful as it sounds on the battlefield. This is further complicated by his latent sensitivity to the force--while he assumes his ability to pick snippets of thought us just an extension of his natural gifts, in truth it's a bit more than that. - [b]Come and Get Me[/b] - Sem may not be the strongest guy around but he's fast and knows how to make himself scarce when the time comes. For a guy in all red, he's [i]really[/i] good at the disappearing act when he needs to be. - [b]The Zeltron Kid[/b] - No, that's not what they actually called him, but he spent some formative years putting holes in people from really far away and not getting caught. As such has some decent urban guerilla skills, and those have only broadened to include rural ones as well. One man's serial killer is another man's freedom fighter... - [b]Play Nice, Guys[/b] - Sem's no great shakes with a poem or a speech, but as one can imagine he's a fair hand with keeping up morale. Almost literally compelled to try and smooth things over, he's a smooth talker with a self-deprecating kind of humor that can't help but make the day a little easier. If that doesn't make him the best leader, it does at least make him a popular one. [/indent] [b]Equipment:[/b][indent] - Blastech A280 Blaster Rifle with modified scope. - 2 Blastech H30 Holdout Pistols. Shut up, they do they job. - Uniform, unmodified - Whatever type of camouflage best suits the situation and can be scrounged. - Personal Comm Link - Rations/survival equipment for one - Vibroknife [/indent] [b]Psychological Profile:[/b] [indent] Sem Taask didn't care for a long time. He was exactly the kind of soldier the Rebellion saw too many off, the ones that were already dead and just hoping to make it official (and take a few more Imps with them along the way). Nothing mattered to him because, as far as he was concerned, tomorrow was a bonus. A people pleaser by inclination and necessity, he was the first to make jokes around the camp at night and the first to head after a trooper who shouldn't have been alone just then. A self-deprecating joker who worried about others instead of himself, being placed in command of a squad has both helped and hurt this aspect of him. In many ways, becoming a Sergeant is saving Sem. He needed to realize that his own life had merit, even if only for the people around him. In other ways it's exacerbated the problems he's always had--now he needs to deal with people more directly than ever, and it's hard not to take it personally when you can tell [i]exactly[/i] how shit your talz buddy thinks you're going to be as a leader. If he spends more time alone than he did before, or at least far enough away from his troop not to have to deal with their thoughts and experiences, then there are worse things. Careful and cautious, a leader who puts the well-being of his troops ahead of straight victories, he's more determined and ever to see his men through now. He's not about to let these men who put their lives on the line go down when they finally started to win. [/indent] [b]History:[/b] [indent] Marisk IV was a shithole smuggler's moon out in the Outer Rim. Not large enough to be a major haven or in the way enough to be particularly useful, it was good almost entirely for being far enough off the beaten path that nobody would bother to look for you there. That is, unless you knock over an Imperial supply line and are stupid enough to leave a trap that ISB can follow. Sem would never know who it was that actually brought down the heat, but one day the Imperial landing craft showed up and never left. Anyone that would put up a real fight was smart enough to get the hell off world or to know that it wasn't theirs, and so the moon was occupied and oppressed with fairly little resistance. The big wig on the ship set up martial law, the troopers shot first, shot second, and then kicked you in the ribs a few times when they realized you were still standing and marched on to find some other street rat to kick for answers he didn't have. A dancer by trade and a prostitute by greed, Sem's mother was actually fairly well reputed on the moon for having a heart of gold and a hot little...well. Popular enough to get by and raise her son after his deadbeat smuggler of a father got himself shot and his ship stolen to strand themselves on the stupid moon, life didn't really change very much for the two of them until a Falleen got rough with her. Sem, around fourteen or fifteen at the time and a moderately accomplished pickpocket, runner, and all around good-natured ne'er-de-well, got the smart idea in his head that he would make sure people didn't go around messing up his mom and put a few blaster rounds into his back. There weren't a lot of big fish on Marisk, and he wasn't one, but there were a lot of medium fish and Sem was barely a minnow. If you catch him in an ironic mood, he'll say that it's funny how Imperial Law probably saved his life--when some of the falleen's friends came by to teach young Sem what happens to people that lit up their buddy, the only thing that stopped them from bashing his brains out was the troopers at the door who bust in and arrested everyone. Sem was 'taken to the infrimary' for his injuries (read: strapped to a gurney until they figured he wasn't going to bleed out) and his mom was taken away to the make-shift holding cells that people went to indefinitely for 'questioning'. Throwing a zeltron whore into the middle of whatever pissed off scum the Imperials decided to haul in that day/week/month worked out about as well as you'd expect. She wasn't the same when she came back, and when she put herself out of her misery a little while after healing up neither was Sem. Was it the Empire's fault that shit happened? Probably not. Could they have stopped it? Absolutely. More importantly, he never saw any of those fucking falleen again, and with an axe to grind and nobody to talk you out of it a white target is a white target. Funny thing about it was that it just seemed natural to him to head down to the local fence, get himself a blaster rifle and start picking targets. As a zeltron he knew better than to be anywhere near people when they died--you do [i]not[/i] need all that shit in your head, especially if you're the one who made it happen--and he was never that great with a knife anyway. He knew the city, he knew how to run away, and very fortunately he knew how to shoot, which was sort of as much of a surprise to him as anyone else. Not exactly known as a thug or a fighter, it just...clicked. Like the trigger, when he punched that first hole through the troopers face. It went on a lot longer than he thought it would. He didn't really have a plan, didn't really know what he was doing other than fighting back. He was just so fucking [i]angry[/i], and if he didn't do [i]something[/i] he'd have really lost it. Eventually Marisk IV got to be well known for its resistance snipers. There were copycats, there were idiots, there were little rebellions that got crushed and bigger rebellions that got crushed harder, and if the Imperials were there at first because they were looking for something they stayed because there was still someone out there shooting them. He wasn't surprised that they caught him; he was surprised that they took so long. Riding suicidal depression like a cruiser in hyperdrive, his glowstick was cracked and leaking--he'd make enough credits for ammunition, food, and his narcotics de jour. He'd pick up his rifle, go hunting, and lather, rinse, repeat. One day ISB was waiting at his house and he didn't even bother to fight--he wasn't proud of it, but he surrendered, and truth be told he was happy enough to just let it...end. It was going to be public with him, they told him after his story. This had gone on long enough, and between him and another three they rounded up earlier they were going to make an example to try and quell this once and for all. They probably would have, too, had the Rebel Alliance not seen a rife recruiting ground when they saw it. They sent in the Uslam Liberators to do what they do best--and they did--and when the smoke cleared he was out of his handcuffs and looking up to a rifle being handed his way. It would be a shame, they were telling him, to waste a trigger finger like that getting killed on some backwater moon. He was smiling when he took the rifle and got to his feet, because he knew they were right. At this point, he was at least worth killing on some backwater [i]planet[/i]. That was three years ago, which is two-and-a-half longer than Sem and pretty much anyone else thought he'd make it. His squad had been through a lot and casualties were high, but Sem had both luck and talent on his side. He may not have been a brilliant soldier, but you don't send your best marksman in with the first wave. His talent for independent operations, support fire, and keeping his head down meant that he tended to keep his distance, which tended to increase one's life expectancy. His promotion to Corporal was unimportant to both him and the squad--Sergeant Biss was a sonofabitch who barely needed himself a second-in-command, and he'd gotten it more for being the longest standing member of the squad than he had any sort of ambition or desire to lead. And that was all well and good until Sergeant Biss took an AT-ST's Dymex concussion grenade to the face. After the battle chain-of-command had the Corporal of the squad take up the position... And that Corporal was Sem. Now the leader of Mynock Squadron under Lt. Gardevin, Sem and his newfound men have perhaps their most significant mission so far ahead of them. They and the rest of the platoon were 'on loan' to Han Solo and Chewbacca's little resistance thanks to a favor the Lieutenant owed the smuggler and have been sent ahead to scout Kashyyk for the assault proper. That things are about to go to down the rancor's throat is a given, but Gardevin isn't one to let a debt go unpaid. Besides, they're almost ready. Intelligence suggests a gap in the blockade in a few days, which means reinforcements. What could possibly go wrong. [/indent][/hider] Let me know if this works and if you're still accepting. I can adjust it easily enough.