[@Jbcool] I've read plenty of their lore. Eldar being faster and more agile than humans isn't my problem with them. There are animals that exist that are more agile than us, faster than us, and even those that can process information faster than we can, if not follow more complex thoughts. No, my problem is, eldar pull all that off with no drawbacks to show for it. They are neither more brittle nor weaker than us, as things that are more agile tend to be. They are not stronger than us, yet weigh less than we do, and still manage to move faster despite the fact they would have to be one of the two, if not both, to pull that off. They suffer none of the physical drawbacks that being better than a human in peak shape should require something biological to be, yet they all are. In effect, what they are described as being is the same as fantasy elves. The difference is that elves in fantasy are either more brittle than us, which allows for their superiority in certain fields, or they're just better than we are because magic. Eldar aren't the first, so they have to be the latter. I don't care if that's the explanation given, except it's not. They are just better than us, because they are, for no adequately explained or explainable reason other than 'space elves.'