[center][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/33p7a8k.png[/img] [img]http://i68.tinypic.com/mhf02b.jpg[/img] [h2][color=662d91]Kusari Bloodworth[/color] [color=a187be]Allision Revel[/color][/h2] [/center] Kusari flinched as the ground shook and a loud crash was heard in the distance. A cloud of dust and light debris blanketed the air, causing her to shield her eyes. [color=662d91]"Was that?..."[/color] She resisted the urge to run outside of the diner and check for herself. Her cuff lit up as someone opened transmission, she anxiously waited for a message, but all she heard was unintelligible ambient noise. Eventually she did hear someone speak, Sander. He told them he... killed it? She had to assume he meant Factory, it certainly was large enough to cause that impact. Kusari's eyes widened, she almost felt like celebrating. However, their job wasn't finished. There were still monsters in the town, there were still people that needed to be evacuated. Things were going well for once, but that only made her even more anxious. Perhaps that is why as Brent conveyed the status of the evacuation team the message hit her hard. [color=662d91]"Huh?"[/color] She said, forgetting that she hadn't said 'transmit.' [color=662d91]"What happened? All of a sudden- what do you mean Lawrence is down?"[/color] Her body shook with frustration, it was happening again. She knew someone was going to die, she just knew it. She took out her phone and checked on the location of the other medic team. They were moving away from the APC? They were running away. Was that the smart thing to do? Was it just them following their orders? Sitting here and waiting was driving her up the wall. She turned towards Lily and Allison. [color=662d91]"We have to go help them, that's what we're here for isn't it?"[/color] "Yea." Allison didn't have to think too hard to come to a decision. She wasn't going to just let people die, and numbing her stigma was a tempting motivation. "Let's go." Allison quickly rose from her seat. Lily nodded silently, getting to her feet and following suit. [color=662d91]"Alright! Let's hurry an-"[/color] Kusari tripped over her tentacle as she sprinted towards the diner entrance. She grumbled as she stood up. She needed to get used to this thing right away if she was going to be of any help. It was surprisingly easy to move now that she tried, she figured it's weight would be a problem but it was just as easy to move as a normal arm. Coiling the lengthy limb she made her way outside. She heard something stomping it's way towards them, now that she thought about it, one of the collector's was heading their way on the map, wasn't it? She looked down the street, and sure enough, there it was In hindsight, this was a highly avoidable encounter. It was a disgusting machine for sure, she knew what it had been doing to the townspeople, but to see it for herself in person was something else. Poor civilians had been jammed inside of the monster, some of them were still alive. She almost wanted to vomit. She shook her head and grabbed her breaching hammer. [color=662d91]"Allison, we don't have time for this, think we can deal with this quickly?"[/color] She said, moving the hammer near the end of her tentacle. With this she had range and power, fairly simple but she thought it would work. [color=662d91]"I'll attack it first and try to get it's attention, you try to take out it's legs as fast as you can, once it's down we keep moving."[/color] "Alright." Allison flexed her right hand slightly, itching to summon the shard. Seeing Allison's acknowledgement, Kusari sprinted towards the colossal monster. Her pace was uneven for a moment, but she quickly adjusted her left limb to balance her pace. The monster's limbs were long, so she stopped short once she felt it was just in range. She spun her body, swinging her tentacle as hard as she could. She let out a fierce yell as the hammer swung towards the construct's head with the speed of a whip tied to an out of control carousel. Without even thinking about it, Allison rushed in to follow up Kusari's attack. It was a sort of primal need that seemed to propel her forward, before thoughtlessly summoning the ephemeral blade, and wildly cutting through the machine, starting at it's legs.