[img=http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n491/Argetlam350/zekeprofile_zps6027a5bf.png] [img=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/324/e/b/dark_souls_by_kaffeebohnson-d4gsas7.jpg] Name: Zaccar Drogoth Age: 32 Gender: Male Ancient Weapon: Zweihander of the Sun How did you find your ancient weapon?: A lost relic from times forgotten, found in the depths of a ruined ancient city, crawling with beasts and thieves that he fought his way through to find such a rare item. Personality: He is a rather serious person, not one to take joking easily or often. He seems impassive to most things in the world, though that isn't entirely true, he does have a softer side, and despite the way he acts at times, he does care for his fellow comrades. He has lost the love of fighting, he actually hates it after the things he has seen and done but will fight to the bitter end if he must. History: He has traverse across much of the land, a wandering knight who fights the battles that few will fight and takes the challenges that those fear to be tasked with. He has seen war, and bloodshed, more then he wished he had but he does such things because its the only thing he knows. He does not remember his life before the age of twenty five, memories have blown away from some tragic even he did not know. The only thing he knows is that it is connected to a mark on his body, a mark called the dark mark. Besides him, he has never told anyone about it, he knows barely anything about it himself, besides that in the realm he started his wanderings it is considered a curse, one that will drive him to insanity and eventually with his ultimately death. So he travels the lands seeker a cure, a means to get rid of the mark as well as regain his memories, those that felt dear to him. Why do you seek Dormin/What do you wish for?: To regain his memories and be cured of the dark mark. Other: [b]I am a wander[/b], lost and cursed to wander for eternity, less I find my wish to end my suffering.