[h2][center]Gregor[/center][/h2] [@Ember Storm][@MercuryNH] [@hefewy] With his allies down and taking the cue, Gregor held his hand up high. It started off as a glimmer, as if saying "Hey look at me!" Then, from his hand, a powerful burst of light emitted, then it was gone in just a second or two. But, it was certainly powerful enough to to blind and disorient those looking at it for a bit. [color=f7941d]Let's get out of here! Head to the gardens! Keep your head down and we'll get to the back from there[/color] Gregor said, making a run for it. [color=f7941d]Kid, do you have the card?[/color] He asked Mercury as he began running towards the exit to the gardens. Before long, the guests, Drekka, normal black market broker, and Children member alike were at each others throats. Magic based projectiles flying around the room. Stumbling awawy, covering his face with his mask failing to protect his eyes, Gustrag grunted in pain, [color=007236]Don't just stand there, you fools! Protect me![/color] Gustrag said, as several guards came running to his side, one of them setting up a stone shield over him. [hr] [h2][center]Yoshimi[/center][/h2] [@Blizzardofoz123] The man did in fact have some sort of explosive device on him, only about the size of a wallet. Vials of liquid and gas-based Yim, with a long wire coming off of it leading to the guard's arm. With all their secrets having to be locked up tight, such an explosive device was a last resort. [color=fff200]I fail to see the excitement in this.[/color] Yoshimi brushed herself off. [color=fff200]I love myself a good fight, but nearly dying and facing a group as bad as the Children? I liked it better when they were just undercover... Regardless, if I come face to face with one of their commanders, I will not hesitate again.[/color] She motioned to where Astrid and Johnny went, [color=fff200]Come on, let's go[/color] [@Nashie][@Ember Storm] Looks like there was a recent operation. There was blood on it that looked fresh, and not just because of the fight. Whatever procedure was done on it, must've been done earlier in the day. On the counter next to the table, was a medical file, only slightly singed from the earlier explosion. [b]Artificial Amalgamation Project: Subject C[/b] [hr] From the balcony of the party, a white haired man watched the chaos ensue, shaking his head, with him, a masked woman. [color=662d91]Seems the fat pig can't even control 4 people breaking into his house and causing problems.[/color] Xenan said, annoyed, the fact that Daud was alive and well after their last encounter not helping the matter. [color=662d91]He's compromised everything...[/color] Looking to the woman, Xenan nodded [color=662d91]Gustrag's got rats in the basement. Go after them. I'll take care of these ones.[/color] With that, the woman nodded [color=00746b]Serve the queen.[/color] [color=662d91]Serve the Queen.[/color] In a display of magic, the two disappeared.