Jenso's eyes widened as Oz jumped down. The man had made a very risky move to buy him time, and he wasn't going to let the effort go to waste. As Geode rose his hands towards him and spoke, it was clear that Geode was going to remove the oxygen near Jenso and by extension, extinguish the flames around his body. Jenso flew further to the right at top speeds to avoid being targetted directly by Geode's hands. He made sure to keep a lot of distance from his foe and to avoid being in the direction of where his hands had been pointed at, not standing still for even a moment. It seemed like destroying the battlefield was ineffective. Jenso rose both hands towards the helix above him, and launched another large beam of Ki, aimed to strike the catalyst that the Helix was connected too or to attempt to simply disrupt the Helix's beams.