Hey all! Finally home from work. I gots a big ole mug of gas station coffee, my comfy pants on, and the spotify playing. So, I'll finally get cracking on those applications. But before I do that, looks like I have some questions to answer, soo... [hr] [@Ryuzaki] Thanks for submitting the app! I'll review it and get in touch with you shortly via PM. If at any time you need or want to make tweaks, however, go ahead. If it's something big, just lemme know. [@Utrax] Muh birb! Thanks for the app, bub. It's going on the list. edit: ...sausage fingers strike again... [@PetiteAmbivert] No worries! Take your time. I've done more than my fair share of phone posts, so I feel the pain. They're not fun. Especially not with my messy skeleton. Looking forward to seeing 'em! [@Lugia] Don't worry! I'm not capping the number of Warriors of Light overall. If you want to make one, feel free. If you'd rather run a non-chosen hero, that works too. They stand equal in terms of relevance to the plot. [@vietmyke] Sorry! I meant to message you on my last break, but it ended before I could finish typing. I'm a pretty slow typist to be honest. Oh well. Anyway, you're clear for submission. I'll review your app shortly. I really like the concept you're going for here. ^-^ [@Savo] Aye, I'm open for discussion anytime. And you know my weakness for worldbuilding. I'm addicted to the stuff. I don't know how I feel about you taking advantage of my addiction here. [@Oddsbod] First of all, I dig your character concept. I've looked over the questions you've sent me and will be punching up my responses shortly. Now, regarding the status of Warrior of Light/Hero of Light/Crystal Warriors/what have you, those characters will be awoken to their power during the attack mentioned in the intro. Since the actual beginning of the RP takes place in the hours leading up to that event, nobody will be a champion from the start. And of course, Warrior of Light slots are not capped overall, so if you wish to make your dude one, we can work with that. [@RolePlayerRoxas] Non-chosen ftw [@WXer] Thank you so much for saying that. And thank you for submitting an application! I'll be getting to it once I burn through this pile in front of me. And Gogo is top tier Final Fantasy character material. I'm willing to bare-knuckle box anybody that disagrees. [sub]kidding! Don't hit me, I'm fragile T^T[/sub]