Amy gave Lauren a quizzical look as she looked down her cleavage, then tapped nervously away at her phone. It was fairly obvious the brawler wasn't looking for a candy bar, really--otherwise she wouldn't have to consult her phone about it--and one would have melted between Amy's breasts anyway. Not that she hadn't had that happen before, but she figured Lauren would have known as much from her propensity to store things there on her own body. So that meant she was likely worrying about something from the night before. Some pressing concern, since she was immediately consumed by it, so… She’d probably lost something that didn’t belong to her. At least Amy wasn’t the one who had to be worried about having her clothes flayed, for once. She checked the pockets, then shook her head, feathers rising slightly as she did. [color=E52B50]“No dice. Sorry, honey, nothing in here.[/color] So… Either Pope Benjamin III was going to be right, or bad times were going to occur. She’d never wanted a holy man to be correct before.