Levi sat in a dark corner and observed the patrons as he took a sip from his frothy beer. And immediately spit it out. "Why do people drink this crap?" Yylya sat in a chair beside him, glancing around slowly, as if she was bored. "I dunno," was her irreverent response. Levi nearly dropped his beer and dove under the table when the universe exploded, the first time since he'd been there. His eyes watered and he cleared his throat, looking around at anyone who may have noticed his shock. He casually wiped the spilled beer off his jacket sleeve. A couple of individuals chatting at the bar caught Levi's attention, and he noticed the male's awkwardness. "If only it worked that well in real life." "The WorldWeaver is frustrated," the Author's Ambassador told Levi, finally looking at him again. "You should go talk to people before he sends in The Infamous." Levi's eyes widened. He set down his mostly-untouched glass of brown on the small round table between he and his companion. "He wants to send D'ren here? He'll blow the place up for the sheer enjoyment of it!" "No he won't," Yylya sighed. "John's writer controls the Restaurant, and besides, that would be cliche and stereotypical." "The Infamous is a very cliche and stereotypical villain!!!" screamed Levi. A few patrons a couple meters away turned, screwing their faces up in the most obvious attempt to tell him to be a little quieter without actually having to verbalize it. Levi nervously ran his hands up and down his thighs, which were, ironically, clad in black Levi-Strauss jeans. He shook his head in disbelief. "This is crazy," he mumbled. "Your boss is a sick, sick man!" He stood up and inhaled deeply, forcing the knot in his throat to go back down into his stomach where it belonged. Yylya grinned. "Go on. Socialize." Levi gulped before walking over to [@Lady Selune] an armored woman sitting at the bar. "Greetings," he said. "I'm supposed to do this experiment for this artsy megalomaniac with an unhealthy obsession for nicknames, so...do you want to talk?" He threw his hands up, gesturing to the finality of particles that were slowly fading away from view through the windows. "I mean, nothing matters anyway, we may as well get to know each other...I guess." He shrugged.