[@Gingy] [u][b]Christine Royce - Ultra-Luxe Casino[/b][/u] "That would be most helpful. Thank you, Mr. King," replied Christine, upon hearing the King agree to regular trading. But that any energy or plasma related equipment needed to go through the Van Graff's. Despite Christine knowing what they had done or rather heard of when, she had been tracking Father Elijah from region to region - her face nodded in agreement. She wasn't in any mood to pick fights, especially since she had an entire people to care for. Even if she remembered her old days as a Brotherhood Paladin. Christine sighed in reply, as the NCR and another raider 'nation' representatives engaged in a fist-brawl. Joshua Graham doing nothing but chuckling to himself at the sight that was happening. [@Casey] While some were fighting, Christine turned and faced the Van Graff's to speak. Dulling out the sound of fighting in the background. "Your request is a reasonable. One we can agree to - I hear your Company is good at 'manufacturig'," she spoke, emphasizing on that point. "I would ask, if it's possible to be paid in these..." In question, she slid over a Sierra Madre Chip to the Van Graff's and let them see it. While the Sierra Madre was full of them, they weren't infinite. Sooner or later they needed to get more - namely from Big MT where the things were likely built and their Chips. "Caps are also okay. But Chips are better. Perhaps we can talk merchandise and prices after this...brawl and talks?" she asked, namely meaning the two stooges fighting.