Shawn wasn't going to lie to himself and say that he wasn't listening in on the new kid with the dead hand to possibly learn more about his mutation. This was something he had certainly never seen before, and wanted to see more of. It seemed as if the hand could speak, and possibly seemed to be an actual dead person who retained their memories beyond life. It was cool. However, full sentience and thought meant that it would be emotionally harder to use them as cannon fodder. Maybe he had like some cool warriors or assassins to fight for him, some geniuses to consult? Well, his team didn't need too many geniuses. Heidi already filled that spot. "please." Rurik looked at the dead head and the student it belonged to. "If you must use your mutation, use it quietly. Do not disturb the others." He went back onto teaching and talking as the students read through the textbook. As long as they learned the material, Rurik personally did not care if they used their mutations in class. The whole point was to make the mutants comfortable with themselves and comfortable being around people. Not to hide among the humans, like some people had thought. Mutant and Proud. It was once a phrase that Raven used jokingly, a jab at Charles Xavier. Surely Humantiy would not accept all of them. But they were still building bridges. [hr] It was barely a glimpse into Heidi's mind that Jean and Emma could feel before they were locked out due to her superior brain. It didn't help that Rosemary had adapted to block out telepaths, negating their powers a little more the closer she was to them. They didn't mind the silence in their own heads, but it was something to note for later. They didn't know that it was Rosemary herself, but Emma, after having seen what Rose could do, had a hunch that it was indeed her. As Heidi said something, the conversation that Jean and Emma were having came to a halt. Jean straightened herself up and flashed a semblance of a smile at the girl. "Um, yes. We were getting ahead of ourselves," She admitted sheepishly, much to the strange delight of Emma Frost. "Like anything, Heidi, just put your mind to it and you'll do great. If there's nothing else, I need to report downstairs." With that, she walked off, leaving Emma and Heidi alone. Emma was giving Booker's students a little privacy by using her telepathy as little as possible, but not only with that picosecond of sight into Heidi's mind, but her stating the boy's name outright! This was something she would refuse to let go. "The charismatic leader of your team?" Emma inquired. "I know yesterday was only your first mission, but didn't he explode yesterday? His lack of control seemed to have had some sort of reaction with all of the radiation present in the building at the time, causing the bigger explosion that leveled the bank...?" She was going to add more, but that would have dropped into grave and serious territory that they weren't ready for yet. Surely Shawn knew about those lost in the explosion, being the one to set it off, but did Heidi know the full scale of the events? If not, Emma wanted to keep her from that for now. They were too young to be dealing with death on their shoulders. [hr] Not to interfere? Well, people surely did exist like that, but only witnessed. Those people were the kind to not be recorded. "One day, you can be put in that sort of position, Chrys." Caldwell patted the boy on the shoulder. "But for right now, you need to be on a team. Not just to learn how to work with others, but if you do go this route, be the last line of defense in the face of cataclysm, then you need experience. Right now, everyone on your team is each others safety net in case something happens. If you run off now and something happens, your own safety and recovery are not guaranteed." This was a good bit of growth from Chrys, Caldwell noted. He had to stop his sympathetic talk, however, because a stranger was knocking on the window. Caldwell groaned. Just by looking at the red mess that was standing outside, on the ledge of the raised window, he knew that this could only go so well. "PSST." Whoever he was, he was intentionally trying to be annoying. "MEDICUS. IS MY HOMEGIRL INSIDE YET?" Caldwell was forced to open the window and talk to the idiot standing on the little ledge. "I have no idea who you're talking about, and I've never seen you at the mansion before. Please, just go through the front door. I'm tending to a patient." The masked man looked down and behind him, whispering something in a quiet voice for once. "The Backstreet Boys are still in style? Shit, I thought we didn't go back that far." A second voice, much calmer and deeper, could be heard further outside. "This is where she asked to go. It gives us and them ample time to prepare and shut things down before it all crumbles."