Momo was lounging on the couch reading a book when she heard the distress call. She doubted for a moment whether she should go, worried she might only get in the way. After a brief few seconds she got up and grabbed her gear. [color=f49ac2][i]There goes my night off.[/i][/color] As much as she disliked the Grimm, duty called, and it would be unlike her to ignore it. Grabbing hold of Diana, she paused for a moment. Momo shuddered at the thought of fighting Grimm, the adrenaline would make every second feel like it were more. [color=f49ac2][i]I'll make it back.[/i][/color] She thought, taking a deep breath. [color=f49ac2][i]I always have. Besides, Solaire is there, and several other hunters should be on their way.[/i][/color] As she stepped outside, Momo took a moment to properly supress her nervosity before getting on her motorcycle and making her way to Vasim as fast as she could. Every second counted if there was a chance survivors would be there. [hr] The sound of sirens in the distance was eerie, despite being painfully familiar, and haunted Momo from the moment she got remotely close to Vasim. [color=f49ac2]"If only I'm in time...[/color] she mumbled, decelerating. Parking her motorcycle with trained rapidity, Momo drew Diana immediately after. Her approach was far from stealthy, though masked by the noise of the sirens, and would probably have several Grimm swarming her within too long. Dashing into the city, Momo immediately entered an alleyway, barricading the entrance with a wall of her her semblance's traps. In the alleyway, Momo quickly started scaling the wall, hoping the roof would make for a decent vantage point. With a bit of aura-enhance prowess, Momo soon made it on top of the roof. She knew very well that seeing also came at the cost of being seen, and several Grimm on the ground below indeed seemed quite aware of her now she was on top of the roof. A few roofs further ahead she could see a nevermore, facing three hunters. Figuring they'd be fine, Momo used the rooftops to make her way through the city, partially unhindered. She occasionally turned and slashed, leaving traps to repel enemies as she scanned the area for survivors. And as she'd anticipated, the adrenaline pumping through her veins made everything appear sickeningly slow. Every passing glance at the red of the blood painting the street felt like minutes of staring at the disgusting scene. The monstrous figures of the Grimm, the blood-red streets and the disgusting slowness of it all, caused all alarm bells inside Momo to go off, complementing the deafening alarm outside, all issuing the same suggestion; [i]run[/i]. As much as she would've liked to, she didn't run, she had her reasons, thus she continued scouring the bloodstained streets for signs of non-Grimm life.