[centre][h2][color=7ea7d8]Lauren Jones[/color][/h2] [@wolverbells][@HecateProxy][@Ambra][@LordVoldemort][@Solace][/centre] [i][color=7ea7d8]She seems to have a surprisingly high bar for cleanliness... or maybe it's just because they're boys?[/color][/i] Lauren frowned as Olivia waved towards the boys, all but one of whom she recognised from Shiganshina. It was odd how many of them had joined the cadets after all that they witnessed and experienced on that day; it would be more normal for them to permanently scarred and seek to escape even the remotest chances of encountering Titans again. Even by entering the MP there was a chance they might be deployed one day whereas civilians would always be allowed to evacuate at the expensive of soldiers' lives. Refocusing, Lauren followed Jade towards where food was being distributed and looked over the options on offer. Spotting a relatively thin looking gruel, or soup, she couldn't really tell and the server looked too grumpy to ask, she got two portions and handed one bowl to Mora. As they turned away, Lauren caught sight of Gabriel and Reese again and felt it would be rude to continue to ignore them. She knew that all the reminders around them was tougher on Jade and Mora than it was on her, so she gestured for them to continue to the table. [color=7ea7d8]"I'll catch you up in a moment."[/color] She headed up to the two boys and smiled, waving to catch their attention and also in greeting. [color=7ea7d8]"Hey Reese, Gabriel. Long time no see."[/color] Gabriel was taller than she remembered, towering over her and everyone else around him. The last time she had seen Reese was on the hill during the attack, Gabriel she had parted ways with when a more experienced medic took over his treatment. She glanced down at his leg, gesturing towards it. [color=7ea7d8]"Looks like you healed well, I'm glad."[/color] She paused, shuffling her feet a little as she worked out how to express her thoughts properly. [color=7ea7d8]"Listen, I don't know how it is for you guys but seeing everyone from back then here has been... pretty tough. For Mora and Jade more than me. We're not trying to ignore you or anything it's just... still pretty raw, y'know?"[/color] She smiled, feeling awkward but glad to see them nonetheless. [color=7ea7d8]"Well, I'm sure it'll pass. We're in this together for a good while and I'm glad to have seen you again, it kind of gives me a little more hope. Nice to meet you, by the way, I'm Lauren"[/color] The last part she directed at the third boy whom she didn't recognise and then she turned to go, waving briefly as she did so. [color=7ea7d8]"Don't forget, I'm now the designated Cadet Medic so any ills or injuries, you come and see me. Apparently not at the girl's cabin though. Otherwise we'll get in trouble."[/color] She plonked herself down at their chosen table with a sigh, feeling some tension wash away. She began to dig into the soup, as it turned out to be, suddenly discovering how much of an appetite standing in the sun for half the day had worked up.