[@Drag][@Rivaan][@Zhaliora] And we're back! While I get back into the swing of things, I decided to take a page from Drag's book and start some discussion. Is there any particular piece of music you associate with a character? It was something I considered adding to the character sheet form, but I wasn't as sure about it at the time. I'll leave Serena's here. [hider] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUXtd3gRwos&ytbChannel=gmaster2647[/youtube] [/hider] I listen to the Kamui part of the soundtrack a lot when I'm writing her, but I think this one captures what I'm trying to go for: Serene with a bit of inner strife, but balanced out by a sense of determination that makes itself clear about halfway through the piece.