[quote=@Araby264] [@Etcetera] Well it was talking about how malignant cells are some of the primary causes of cancer and As he was describing it, I realized that it was similar to traffic in norfolk, then I put more research into it and found that it's more like a blood clot than cancer, but the inspiration was still there. So then I figured what if we transported people like blood transports nutrients. Imagine you call a cab, after it shows up to pick you up you get in and after getting into a highway or freeway you hook up to another cab and are driving while attached to each other. When it is time for you cabs to go separate ways, they detach and go to their pacified locations. Or imagine getting on a bus that drives OVER traffic. I also believe in automating cars, but that's way in the future... Or is it. (dun,DUN,[B]DUN[/B]) [/quote] Self-driving cars [i]has[/i] to become a thing. There'll be no traffic when all vehicles drive themselves.