Aeris listened to what the others had to say, patiently waiting for his answers, he looked at the man that spoke right after him, making it snow, excited, arrogant, his comment on what time is as a construct of mortal perception is both true and false, a topic for another time and useless in the current situation. The next who spoke up, a soldier, Gunter, his armor and his helmet it was clear even by the way he spoke, he could even determine whether or not he was an officer of some sort and it seems he shared the same questions Aeris had, he carried himself professionally and kept his calm even in the midst of a colorful range of characters. And after Gunter the blood covered woman known as Patricia, he wasn't exactly elated at the sight of blood, it reminded him of how he died, alone, fending for himself, abandoned during the crusades. Then his eyes fell upon the human named D'ren, it was clear in eyes that he was guilty of lust, the way he looked at Patricia was enough to give him the impression, not to mention the way he was dressed. But it is when Angela spoke, he found some sense, someone who reclarified the situation everyone was in, quite attentive, thoughtful, and focused, her questions only added on to Aeris's. When Dante spoke his voice had a sarcastic tone as he asked about their options which was in a nutshell, help or everything and everyone dies horrid deaths, unnecessary but humor is needed in times of gloom and doom. And lastly Zara, who wanted answers, and she wanted them at that moment, it seemed reasonable, all these questions in the past few minutes of talking and still no answer. Suddenly the girl in the middle burst in anger towards Ming as she stated her age, surprising twenty years of age and she still looked like a child, afterwards she gave them the information they needed as she beckoned them to follow her into the forest, but again Ming spoke up bringing up decent questions, if none had appeared in this realm how does she know what the cracks are? and furthermore, is she really in charge or is there someone else behind this task? Pressing questions, yet, as time grew shorter for the mortals, these were questions for another time as he sheathed his sword and his wings raised from in front of him to fold behind his back, drooping like a cape as he walked to follow her without a word as he still had a duty to act upon, a holy charge he could not disobey, to repent for the sins of his past and wipe clean his slate.