[centre][h2][color=7ea7d8]Lauren Jones[/color][/h2] [@wolverbells][@HecateProxy][@Ambra][@LordVoldemort][@Solace][@Aquanthe][@QT][/centre] Seemingly, by arriving first, the girls had become the rallying point for the other cadets. They were soon joined by several of the boys, all the familiar faces plus some new ones taking seats around them or even joining them at their table. Sano sat down on the other side of Mora, Lauren studiously began to eat her 'soup' rather than say anything. There were several conflicting flavours, none of them particularly appealing, but it was filling and she'd certainly had worse in the time after they fled Shiganshina. Two years of testing herbs and medicines had also somewhat numbed her to bad tasting food; as long as it wasn't poisonous then she wasn't going to have issues eating it. It was when Sano apologised for the boys being in the cabin that she couldn't help herself any longer and put her bowl down slowly. [color=7ea7d8]"Actually, I invited one of them in. They were both patients under my care and needed a quick check up. Since I've been 'assigned' as the medic but not given any proper facilities as of yet I needed to operate out of my cabin. Thankfully they didn't need any real taking care of or else they may have suffered lasting damage from their treatment being interrupted."[/color] The gaze she cast at Sano couldn't quite be called a glare, she was not aggressive enough in nature for that, however it was certainly a look of disapproval. [color=7ea7d8]"In future, when I'm treating someone then come hell or high water, they are under my care and I will decide what's best for them."[/color] In the back of her mind she knew that she was being hypocritical, calling out the boy's attempts at leadership on the first day as excessive by responding in kind but it irked her that her actions had been indirectly called into question; it insulted her notion of professionalism. Thankfully, other spoke up and soon they were all united in struggling with the difficult aftertaste of the soup. Mora gave up on her soup, pushing the distasteful meal away and begging for water. [color=7ea7d8]"Alright, although you'll need to eat some more of that. You can't heal on an empty stomach."[/color] She nimbly extricated herself from the table, and the group, and retrieved a large skin of water and several cups before returning to the back of the cabin and distributing the drinking vessels around. Jade blurted something she couldn't quite hear at Sano and, despite herself, she grinned mischievously at her small friend's awkwardness. She was standing behind her so only Mora would be able to see her expression and could share in the amusement. The water and the cups handed out, she slid back into her seat on the other side of Mora and pulled her own bowl back and quickly polished it off. She looked sternly at her two friends and nodded at their nearly untouched bowls. [color=7ea7d8]"We've had worse, wash it down with the water. There's no telling what the Instructor will put us through tomorrow and I doubt the food is going to get any better so we'll just have to get used to it for now."[/color] When no one responded she reached for Mora's bowl and dipped the spoon in for a substantial portion. [color=7ea7d8]"I swear, I will force feed you this. Don't make me do the flying noises I have to for Atticus, y'hear![/color]