[center][h3][color=00aeef]Private First Class Linda Vogel[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] [i]I hope I never have to see that guy again, but something tells me I will not be so fortunate.[/i] Linda thought of the sergeant after hearing the reply that Evan gave her. When the man stood up Linda was practically looking up in order to meet his eyes with her own blue eyes. [i]He is huge! I knew he was a little big but not this big.[/i] Upon the offer of the hand Linda accepted the handshake with a firm grip. [color=00aeef]"Likewise! I am Linda Vogel. Just call me Linda."[/color] It was then that the mechanic pointed over to a group that Linda did not notice prior to entering and instructed her about the sergeant, corporal, and another new recruit. Upon hearing the comment of injury, Linda's face turned toward disgust as she quickly imagined the many gruesome ways a medical procedure could go. Not that she knew much of about medicine aside from applying a bandage, but the imagination did not take much fuel. Thankfully Evan's chuckle eased her from the disgusting imagery and she allowed him to finish speaking before her polite reply, noting his hatred for the dark-hair. Though Linda was not extremely prejudiced against the Darcsens and gave them a chance, she certainly did not enjoy dark-hair company every day and was always told stories about how bad they were. [color=00aeef]"Thanks for the tip. Don't worry, I do not plan on getting myself or anyone else shot, not now or ever! I will go ahead and head over there now."[/color] And with that, Linda started forward to the group Evan pointed out, though she knew better than to interrupt whatever it was they were doing and decided to wait until they were finished or until she was called upon. Today was finally looking up for her and she was ready to meet her squadmates, eat some food, and take a nap. However, that time will come when it came and so Linda stayed tense, adhering to protocol like the boot she was as she waited.