[center][color=a187be]Luna D. Dharc[/color][/center] [@LuckyBlackCat] [color=fff200]"Help's always welcome, but fair warning, Groudon might be the one stirring up Entei. Yeah, you heard that right, Of course, I don't know for sure, and I really hope not, but it's possible. If you're still ok coming along, though, we should stop by the mart first."[/color] Eclipse looked up at Luna, two legendaries clashing, that's something nobody wanted to be around. But the fact that these two trainers, Cici and her friend Tommy, were willing to go and see if there was anything they could do was inspirational. [color=a187be]"I'll do whatever I can... Me and my pokemon..."[/color] Eclipse let out a little "Deino!" just to drive the point home. [color=a187be]"I don't mind heading to shop first... I need to get a pokeball for Eclipse anyway..."[/color] she said following behind Cici and Tommy. [hider=Luna]TP: +1(9) Pokemon: Deino(Eclipse) Level 1(not currently caught) Flabebe(Rose) Level 5 Inventory: N/A Rank: Beginner Organization: N/A CP: +1(6)[/hider]