[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4hEyEbB.png[/img] [@HylianRose][@alexfangtalon][@mskennedy615][@WindsOfFate][@JBRam2002][@Prints Avoid][@Filthy Mudblood][/center] Amelia didn't notice anything, or rather she didn't pay attention anything until Damar raised her head up by her chin and promiced to find her bunny for her. She nodded and wiped her eyes before looking down at the shirt that now covered her. It was still way to big for her and fell off her shoulders. When she spotted that Ronnie wasn't wearing a shirt she quickly gave him a hug to show her thanks. When she let go, she saw Alex rushing past with a furious expression on his face, which made her confused. She didn't understand why he was so upset and became even more confused when he yelled, which caused her to jump. She listened and watched how everyone reacted, not expecting it to be on this level. Damar and Elizabeth she was able to understand, the two were like her older siblings. Some of the other's reacted more calmly, and Brandon was turned away from her for some reason. Maybe he was trying not to look at her too closely? If so, she didn't understand why, she was barely what most would call attractive. In fact, she doubted she was attractive at all. Penny was a bit less empathic then some of them but she also was one of the calmer ones, trying to defuse the situation along with Jocelyn. Eva seemed to be Damar and Alex's primary target for questioning and she felt a bit of regret when Alex yelled at the girl. Even if Eva had stolen her stuff, she didn't deserve that. Her attention was moved elsewhere when Lance finally arrived. Amelia's eyes widened when she saw her friend was hurt and all thoughts of her plight vanished from her head, save for her concern for her rabbit. She moved over to Lance, a look of concern on her face. She reached out and gently touched his knuckles, guessing those were the least painful of his injuries. She looked up at him and frowned, her expression still concerned but also a bit curious. If she had a paper and pen, she would ask what had happened, but those had been stolen. So she had to hope he would understand what she was trying to ask, even though she had rarely talked to him, though she did want to try and become closer as a friend. She didn't understand why he got into all those fights.