[quote=@Mahz] [@NuttsnBolts] Yeah, the Guild has some confusing and ugly error pages if you're logged out that I need to fix. I'll make improvements to the ghost / friendslist intersection, but right now I'm trying to release a /search overhaul. For the few people that read my dev journal: Do yall have any examples of the most frequent searches you do or would do if the Guild supported it? I'm also working on a simple tag search. [/quote] Searching by IC, OOC and CHAR can help for times when you want to look up a specific character by someone, or one you made eons ago that you wanna relook at. Maybe something where if multiple posts from the same RP are marked in groups to help reduce time, (eg: search "star wars" and the RP from 2 years ago will be on page 20 of the search)