I like calling double posts "oops posts," because I always say "oops" when they happen. So what about the above for that first time (an extra, intended electrical pulse), making it last that extended period of time, only it affected the tracker in a way they did not predict? So it still occasionally sends short spurts of electric signals through his body, and messes with the signals sent to his brain, affecting him physically and mentally. Maybe triggering the rage part of his brain, and firing off pain signals in the process, creating a dangerous combination in a werewolf, every once in a while for however long you were hoping for? Endless possibilities, yes, but it is always good to figure out what, exactly, you want something to do! Makes being consistent easier. ... Is it bad that I kinda love that our characters are physically messed up? Man, I'm cruel to characters. I promise I'm generally a nice person to people in reality, and don't want to see real people get hurt! So, I ended up saying that Thea's heritage is equal parts Scientist, Mage, and human with her generation, so thought I'd elaborate a bit and see what you think since I separated the two from humans. With that, I'm referring to born Scientists, not humans with a higher IQ who join their ranks. What I'm thinking, is that there's something in each of their DNA that sets them apart just enough for Mages and Scientists to be not quite human and gain stronger powers/abilities. Each has their own sort of energy about them that allows them to cast magic or create things at a superior mental level. All the Sage Scientists would have been born that way, hence them excelling enough to be Sages. For Mages, it's a matter of how prevalent the Mage DNA is in them that determines how strong they get. And, of course, the "purer" the bloodline for either, the stronger the capabilities. With the energy aspect, it's kind of an intangibly tangible thing (which probably makes more sense in my head): born Scientists (and their creations) have the energy of knowledge, Mages (and their magic/enchantments) of wisdom, and your average human (as well as anything "normal," such as some plants and most animals not of magic or scientific origin) of understanding. Different mixes of the DNA bring out those forms of energy in various ways, allowing someone to be stronger or weaker in associated aspects. Because Thea and her brothers are equal parts of each, they could ultimately end up being any of those if they put their minds to it. Or, if they did not bother, they would simply be "normal." Which then adds that extra sense of mystery to werewolves, making it an uncertainty as to which of the three they're apart of, if not somehow all of them in a fluctuating, unstable mix that allows them to shift between human and creature. I hope that made some lick of sense. What do you think? [hr] [@Arista]