After tackling the bandit to the ground, Orchid raised his fist ready to strike again. However, it seemed like the combined efforts of Kyra's arrow and Parum's magic was enough to knock the raider unconscious. Seeing the brigand knocked out Orchid got to tying her up, only realizing it was a woman as he started rifling through her pockets for money and loot. Awkward. After binding her hands together and tearing part of her tunic off as a blindfold, Orchid handed her off to Torus to carry. He questioned the old man's strength, but Orchid wouldn't stop him. Besides, if danger came, Orchid would need both hands to fight. And sure enough on the way back to the fortress, they ran into danger in the form of three bandits. Two armored, one not. The party struck hard and struck fast; Brannor cut one down while Kyra pierced the heart of another. Now it was Orchid's turn. Orchid charged alongside Torus, running behind the armored bandit just as the old man whiffed his staff. Orchid took the opportunity to go for a low blow, slashing at the raider's leg. He struck swiftly and silently, which might've been rather unnerving considering his usual tendency to have a war cry. It just didn't occur to the half-orc to say something at the time. Though Orchid was not swinging at full strength, he still swung with enough force to possibly cleave through the man's leg, which if he didn't die from the sheer shock he would bleed out if left unattended. Assuming of course, the brigand didn't avoid Orchid's attack. [hider=Info/Rolls] Health: 14/14 Armor Class: 16 Rage: 0/2 Status: Orchid looted through the pockets of the bandit they captured. Upon finding the scouts, Orchid attacked the last brigand standing. Machete Attack = [url=]13[/url] Machete Damage = [url=]8[/url] [/hider]