[hr][hr] [center][color=darkorange][h1]Xerxes Arvanitis[/h1][/color] [img]http://i917.photobucket.com/albums/ad11/myandrallene/ezgif.com-resize_zpstpgyfyvo.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b]Sky Lakes Medical Center. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Magnus Bane ([@BlackPanther]) and Leo Kwon ([@December]).[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] [color=darkorange]Xerxes' dark, brown eyes stared the Druid down, as he was the first one to speak. He scoffed, his body weight shifting from one leg to the other. Now was not the time to discuss his current temperament towards the man who stood before him. Thankfully, the other interjected and came across much more pleasant than the first. The boy introduced himself as Leo. The name, much like his face, rung familiar, but it wasn't until he explained that he was a friend of Zoé's that things began to slowly click into place. He was one of them - a supernatural - a witch. And despite how things had gone the night previous, they still wanted to help and truthfully, Xerxes couldn't deny them that. He was no Alpha, and Zoé had so much on her plate already. Though it did strike him odd that they came to him, specifically, for something that an Alpha would generally have a say in. If it hadn't been for the hours-long conversation he had with Zoé, he might have thought better to say nothing at all, but there had been something tickling the back of his mind ever since the children were all rushed into the hospital. Pushing his feelings towards the Druid aside, Xerxes physically relaxed his body, his hand raising to rub his temple for some temporary stress relief as he began to explain what was on his mind. "The media is going to want their hands all over this mess. The less they know, the better. I don't know what staff members saw what last night, but I'm sure things are looking a bit weird. They may have said something... I need you guys to make sure that the only facts that reach the news is that only two required hospitalization while the rest only received minor injuries and were released. The kids were attacked by a wild animal on their camping trip because they forgot to put away their food, which drew the animal to them. If you can, push the focus away from it being a wolf attack and instead maybe sway it towards a wild cat or cougar. It was a minor error on their part that could have been avoided had they practiced safe camping rules." Xerxes paused, trying to think if there was anything else he needed to add, but it escaped him. Leo seemed to be capable enough - he got a good vibe off of the boy. He was sure that if faced with anything else, he would be more than able to deal with it. "The kids are fine." he then explained, answering Magnus' previous question. "Syleste required a bit of surgery last night, but she will recover fully here in the next few days and will be released. She and the other Siren are being seen only by myself to avoid any further spread of sensitive information. My daughter and a few of their friends are with them now. If you want, you can come check up on them later this afternoon when the room won't be so crowded."[/color]