[center][img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/7cd8/f/2016/179/1/5/kano_hargor_by_zelosse-da7xiiu.png[/img][/center] [center][color=004b80][h1][b]Kano Hargor[/b][/h1][/color][/center] Current location; Fountain [@KRAZY J] [@Kalleth] [@Regitnui] [@liferusher] [@Raptra] [@Pseudo Stygian] [@Old Amsterdam] Kano watched the young girl take her first tentative steps towards the lofty goals Dia had created for herself. Like every student of the Academy, the Headmaster and the many talented teachers (excluding maybe the unconscious one in his underwear a few feet away?) would all work their hardest to assure that these young minds would overcome every obstacle they must face. Even if the challenge was too hard the first time Kano still had faith that these proud learners would overcome it eventually. [color=0054a6]"Well. If everyone is starting to feel better, please do your best to dry off in the sunshine. The Dormitories will be ready for you all after the ceremony." [/color] Kano offered a low bow to the gathered students, even if they weren't watching, and smiled behind the obscuring darkness veiling his face. Departing from the fountain back through the main doors. The Audience hall was going to take a bit to prepare.. ---------------------- TIMESKIP! ---------------------- (For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, there is an established time of day/month/year vaguely placed into the world. A timeskip as the name suggests involves moving the clock forward and beginning a new established time with its own events, making those of the previous time ended. You are generally allowed one follow-up post to wrap up that timelines business before moving onto the next.) Current location; First floor, east wing. Audience Hall From the main entrance of the Academies amidst the staircase rising to every subsequent floor and training area dedicated to the corresponding element, there was also a series of hallways that lead to many other chambers within the expansive schoolgrounds. Offices of every Teacher, private study halls, a grand library stocked with donated books from many former students specifically to the school, there were even rooms given to students who needed a quiet space to study or practice. All of those were located near the private offices of the staff so as to keep a close eye without disturbing concentration. The largest of the rooms was the Audience hall. Carved from living stone like the school, it featured 4 titanic pillars of marble at each corner spiraling to the ceiling. On the roof of the hall was the likeness of the sun, a large circular glass skylight ringed with gold to resemble the sun carved into it. Upon the floor was lush green grass and dirt with smooth polished stone walkways. Chairs made from living bushes had been grown right from the ground. Carved into the left wall was in beautifully shining red stone was a masterpiece resembling a large fire. Reds and yellows swirled in a mesmerizing display into a perfect likeness of the real thing. To the opposite wall was a large crystal blue water drop. A thick piece of glass had been shaped for this purpose, stretching from the floor all the way to the ceiling. Inside of the glass tank was crystal clear water. The entrance to this room was similarly extravagant, with thick wooden doors lovingly shaped by the hands of a skilled artisan. Some pieces had been hand carved while others shared the natural grown look of a shapers will. Respect for their homelands tradition and customs had been put into everything within this room. Just as they tried to do with every part of their town. Suspended high in the sky were fluttering feathers, drifting lazily back and forth just out of reach. No matter how long you waited there was no telling when they would finally find their way to the grassy floor below. To the far end of the room was a raised platform of wood and stone draped in a dark purple cloth, a podium rested at the center facing out towards the wooden tree-chairs. Every student in the first year, nearly three dozen in total, were seated in this room. Even with teachers included, the amount of people the Audience hall could host was likely just over 100. Though there was not enough seating space for all of them if such were to come to pass. As the students gathered and settled, Kano waited for them to take in the sights before jumping right into his own initial speech. Every teacher was expected to give a short speech welcoming students to the schoolgrounds, announce which classes they taught (whether it was an Elemental-core class or not) and detail their hopes for the new crop coming in. Not every staff member chose to do this so it had always remained Voluntary. First come first serve. Kano had traditionally always been the first, as he was the first of the teachers. Historically speaking. As the gathered mass of bodies turned their attention to the robed figure at the podium, the lights went up. Torches alongside the wall flared to life on every side of the hall, a volunteer atop the roof manipulated the light to reflect off the may panels of glass atop the ceiling to shed life into every inch of the room. The torches made the various metals of the red wall shimmer at every angle, while the water tank reflected it back as well. [color=0054a6]"Students of the Academy! I welcome you to my home, and to your home as well. For those who have not gotten a chance to meet me in the hallway or on the grounds, my name is Kano Hargor. Headmaster of the establishment and resident teacher of the Water and Dark students. It is my greatest pleasure to again see the smiling hope filled faces of you all, each eager to learn of their heritage."[/color] Kano reached into his sleeve and pulled out a long piece of paper and began again. [color=0054a6]"The following are the established rooms of every student, a copy of which will be placed at the Coed Dormitory building approximately 25 minutes away from the main building. For those of you concerned it will follow the theme of this room? Rest assured, it is a modern made building designed to house your needs. Electricity, soft beds, and plenty of space to grow. From here until your graduation it is yours to do with as you please. Though there will be penalties to Students who believe they can destroy the property given to them." [/color] The piece of paper was unfolded and placed at the front of the podium. Students would be allowed to come and view it after the welcoming ceremony was completed. [color=0054a6]"Before you rush the front to see your rooms, let us all hear from the teachers who will be leading you all this year. The next speaker, if you please?" [/color] Kano moved off to the side and motioned to other faculty members gathered in the room. (student characters, feel free to idly chat with each other. When every teacher who wants to speak has done so, we will move forward to the dorms and then the following day IC) [@KRAZY J][@liferusher][@Kalleth][@CriticalHit][@Old Amsterdam][@Arya10108909][@Raptra][@Aquanthe][@Regitnui][@Pseudo Stygian][@Hammerman][@Lord Orgasmo][@Stern Algorithm][@Ayame]