Alright, so, with Player 2's return and a new entrant, I'm going to take the time to reorganize things. To my knowledge, here are the current participants: [@Breo] [@Holy Grail] [@DrowsyPangolin] [@Beloss] [@Cu Chulainn] [@Ijoyen] [@Yukitamas] [@Berserk Gene] [@Player 2] [@Kost Alter] Here are those whose status I'm not sure about (please try to notify me within 48 hours regarding your status): [@Psyker Landshark] [@Asuras] [@ConstantlyComic] And here are those presumed inactive: [@WildChocobo] [@GreenGoat] [@SIGINT] Given this, the pairs that are stable are: Chi You, Odysseus, Yukimura, Rostam, Norton, and (when approved) Wolf Boy. In the case of these teams, I advise posting to keep things moving along. The pairs that are potentially unstable are: Siegfried (Master), Hugues (Both), Cao Cao (Servant). If necessary, then, the Master of Cao Cao's team and Servant of Siegfried's can partner. In addition, we have either one or two Servants who currently lack Masters. One of these can be fixed by Kost Alter's Master. I'm unsure about if Berserk Gene is still making a Master. If needed, I will be making a pseudo-NPC Master who will either take Kost Alter's Servant or the remaining unpartnered Servant. This actually means we should be able to get things balanced out with a bit of luck, so yay.