Lily was focused on the fight when the Beaconites arrived, and she gasped in surprise after she shot a fan of arrows at a cluster of the mechanical dolls. [color=fff200]"Oh! It's you girls! We could use some help!"[/color] Truth be told, she wasn't that excited that Beacon was now involved with the incident; she was wary of how strict they were with allowance of collateral damage, and she herself didn't give it much thought, only making sure she didn't directly hurt any civilians that were in the vicinity. Still, she appreciated the help. The dolls did not put up much of a fight; they easily broke and scattered under the mace bashing, arrow fire and martial arts. What attacks they managed to land on them were easily blocked by Alexander's barriers. In fact, it seemed too easy for Lily. Were they a distraction? Maybe the dolls were never intended to actually be a threat, but were simply a means to lure magical girls there. Whatever the reason, Lily wasn't going to let them get away with it. Some of the dolls stayed up on the rooftops, making a strange back-and-forth motion with their arms, their heads looking down at the street behind the hospital, where Minnie fled to. She floated up with her hands spread to her sides in a dramatic fashion. Once she landed on the building next to the hospital, she gave a haughty laugh, partially covering up her mouth with the back of her hand. "Haah-haah-haa! And with this, the curtains rise for the final act!" She held the pose for a moment, and then repeated herself in an angry tone: "I SAID, the curtains rise for the final act!" Soon, Helga could be seen in the distance, hopping from roof to roof on all fours in a hurried fashion. "Whoops, I'm late! Sorry, Minnie! teehee!~" The gothic lolita girl was furious. "You ruined the performance, Helga! We can't show this on Broadway! My reputation would be ruined! My path to stardom, taken away!" She made an exaggerated grieving gesture, and Helga only laughed back. "Haah! Hey hey, who cares! Scram, it's my turn for some fun now!" Minnie flipped her hair arrogantly, and turned towards the corner of the rooftop. "Hm, fine. Make sure to do a thorough job." She gestured a hand towards thin air, only for it to be grabbed by Sonia, who teleported to the scene. The two then disappeared as fast as the third girl arrived, and only Helga was left. She hopped to Ilia's and Umeko's side. She spread her claws, her toothy mouth grinning towards the Beacon group. "This is the end, Beacon Beggars! Give a good fight before you die! Hahaaaah!" [color=fff200]"Hey, what do you think you're doing!"[/color] Helga slightly leaned her head to the side. "Huh? Did I hear something?" she said, and turned around to look at Lily, who was standing on the hospital rooftop, holding an arrow on her bow, aimed at her. [color=fff200]"Stop what you're doing or I'll shoot!"[/color] In response, the monstrous magical girl only grinned. "Oh, we have special guests? Well, I'm sure the Lady doesn't mind if there happens to be some extra bodies, hee hee!" Lily had a confused expression, and she drew the arrow. [color=fff200]"Wait, what Lady? Do you work for someone?"[/color] But before she could get any answers, Helga leaped with inhuman speeds and slashed at the green-haired girl; as fast as Lily was, she was taken by surprise by Helga's swiftness. "Too slow, Thunder Tina!" Fortunately, Alexander's barrier prevented the attack from hurting her, but she could feel the primal strength behind her blow. For a magical girl, her strength was ridiculous; Alexander's most powerful shield almost broke down from a single attack. Lily reeled back from the blow, and jumped backwards, launching a stream of arrows at her. Helga dodged every shot, dancing and contorting in mocking ways, often making it look like she deliberately missed with her shot. "You're really single-minded, you know. You're going to make your boyfriend over there ashamed at this rate~" [color=fff200]"For the last time, he's not my boyfriend!"[/color] Lily continued shooting, but to no avail; Helga seemed to be reading her every action. "Alright Illy and Umi, time to take the trash out!" [hider=Helga's Theme][youtube=AwOI2Nvrwr8][/youtube][/hider]