[hider=The Employer] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/mX27L84.png[/img] [color=c4df9b][i]"Getting your hands dirty's for the dregs. I like to think I'm higher-class than that."[/i][/color][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Olivier Erlund [b]Age:[/b] 64 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Personality:[/b] A man with an acerbic tongue, an obsession for gold, and a love of the arcane. In casual conversation with Olivier, one can only question how he was ever a professor, as someone with his propensity for almost childish levels of swearing in tandem with his constantly-casual speaking style seems horribly ill-suited to being one who imparts wisdom to the young. In spite of this, he is a true academic through and through, one who tears through books with vigor and is capable of condensing complex magic theory to a brief handful of sentences. While he outwardly claims to view magic as little more than a means to an end, it's more than apparent to any who've spoken to him about the matter in earnest that he has a genuine fondness for delving into the arcane arts. Beyond this surface-level analysis, any further information is currently unknown. It can only be wondered why someone with such a love of gold is taking as inefficient an operation as the robbing of a city. [b]History:[/b] Olivier was born to a rather poor family of laborers, and was from a young age largely forced to help earn his keep in order for his family to continue to get by. He attended schooling in a defunct district, and quickly learned the importance of power in doing so. The faculty was understaffed and underfunded, the student demographic poor, the socioeconomic environment chaotic, and as such the school district as a whole was essentially an internal competition to fight to the top of the power dynamic. In this, Olivier was never altogether outstanding, but he was at least able to fend for himself. He fought the battles he could win, ran from the ones he couldn't, and painstakingly studied in an effort to break out of the "class" he had been born into. All the while, working part-time jobs to help his family quickly taught Olivier the value of money, and the strict budget his family had to live by turned him into an absurdly frugal youth. It wasn't until he was in his late teens that something truly changed. In Olivier's mind, the most efficient way to break into a higher socioeconomic class was through that power known as "magic". If he could somehow find a way into the realm of magic, then in his eyes that would be half the battle. Using the entirety of money he had saved up on the side in his work, he applied to have his magical affinities tested. The results were beyond any expectations, with Olivier being rated as a true prodigy, his only weakness being his relatively old age compared to those who generally started learning magic as young children. A somewhat nearby academy granted him a scholarship, and from there his world changed forever. Over the course of the next several years, Olivier caught up with and surpassed his peers, distinguishing himself as a true genius and managing to send a considerable amount of money back to his family. In adulthood, he was offered the position of Professor of Spatial Magic at the Edelweiss Academy, one of the world's premier institutions, and took it happily. What occurred from thereon is unknown to the public eye; all that is known is that, after nearly two decades of teaching as a professor, Olivier went missing from the academy along with no less than seventy percent of all of the magical artifacts under the academy's possession. Efforts to find him proved futile, and have continued to be to this day, seven years after this disappearance. During these seven years, Olivier has carved something of a name for himself in the criminal underground, and myriad warrants have been put out for his arrest. He is known as one of the primary figures in the black market and a peerless intermediary for transactions. The motivations for leaving his previous employment and just what he has done since turning criminal, though, are in the dark. [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Spatial Magic:[/i] The focus of Olivier's research during his time as a professor, the crux his life has largely been based around, and the field in which he is a talent that appears once in a generation, if that. Creation of spatial quarantines and folds in space, instantaneous transit through space, and myriad other capacities that interfere with the spatial realm are possible. Of particular note is his talent for teleportation; through this, he has evaded any attempts at capture by authorities. Moreover, he has developed a rune that serves as a "beacon" for himself, allowing him to lock onto the location of anything that has said rune inscribed on it and use magic remotely upon it; this is the means by which he "airlifts" stolen goods out from those he hires after a job is complete. [i]Extended Lifespan:[/i] Something any human with sufficient magical talent will stumble across sooner or later. This is hardly anything hugely diverging from the norm such as those freaks among mages who have lived for a thousand years; it is likely Olivier will make it past a century of life, but unlikely that he will make it to two. [i]Purification Magic:[/i] A form of magic that bases itself around culling impurities and cleansing existences. Common among medical practicioners, as it can be used to cull diseases and poisons. In theory, someone with enough talent could potentially even purify oneself from afflictions such as vampirism. Olivier has merely a rudimentary grasp of these basics, and has instead specialized in purification as something that "makes something a blank slate" rather than something that "removes the bad". In other words, an indiscriminate approach that amputates the arm instead of excising the tumor. Through this, he wipes away the marks of ownership, tracking runes, and nonvaluable attributes of stolen goods. Other abilities, if existent, are unknown. [b]Equipment:[/b] Unknown, assets presumed to be massive in breadth and depth. [b]Artifacts:[/b] [i]Unknown Chalice:[/i] A golden cup and first-rate magical artifact among first-rate magical artifacts. After a ritual has been performed to imbue it with magical energy and it has been filled with water, that water gains the property of "converting what it touches to gold", from flesh to stone to other artifacts. This is rumored to apply to not merely the physical, but also the spiritual level, though such claims are unsubstantiated. Other artifacts, if possessed, are unknown. [/hider] Reserved for character list.