Jordan stood at the top of the hall, lurking in a little alcove made by space between the alcove and the stage, and as he listened to the Headmaster give his speech, he rubbed gingerly at his chest feeling over the bruise that had been left there. [i]That woman...[/i] He remembered jerking to consciousness, with his heart fluttering, coughing up water. Only, she'd already walked off. That was such a very Catherine thing to do, woman that she was. She'd always had to control things and it had eventually driven Jordan crazy. If she was the wind, and he the sand, then he was perfectly capable of being carried on her breezy path through life, only eventually all sand had to settle down. That was when he'd been blown out of her life, quite abruptly. Of course they still had to work together, but Catherine was nothing if not professional. And she was lucky he wasn't a total prick, but it wasn't just out of his not-prickedness that he kept her secret. It was actually mostly because the cloaked figure who was just now calling up teachers with words to share would have him teared limb from limb if he learned of Jordan's role, which he inevitably would, Jordan did not doubt. As he unstuck himself from his alcove, Jordan's gaze scanned the crowd and the people nearest to the stage. His eyes even rose up towards the fluttering feathers, but wherever Catherine was, he couldn't spot her. Funny, she'd insisted he had been specifically selected by Hargor to do this year's speech. And yet now she was nowhere to be found? Jordan shrugged, unclasping his satchel and retrieving the stone slab from within. He was obviously, no longer in heart-boxers, but he planned to run ragged anybody who gave a cheeky word otherwise. He certainly would never admit that the cotton [i]really[/i] was softer... The podium was short, and when Jordan placed the slab down, he noticed there was no lip to hold the slab on a slant and he scrambled to catch it when the slab slipped off. Nearly tripping over himself before he'd even gotten a word out, Jordan shook his head and looked out over the entire assembled student body. Well the assembled first years, since all the others students had better things to do than listen to Jordan's amazing speech. The gym teacher cleared his throat, straightened up, and held the slab at arm's length. With a booming voice, Jordan began his speech; "HELLO FIRST YEARS! WELCOME TO YOUR ADVENTURES AS A NEWLY MINTED ELEMENTALIST LEARNER! THIS WILL BE THE BEST PERIOD OF YOUR LIFE AND ALSO THE WORST! THAT IS TO SAY, IT WILL BE WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT! MY NAME IS PROFESSOR JORDAN MANILOW AND I WILL BE YOUR GYM TEACHER! SO IF YOU THINK THAT I'M GOING TO LET YOU OFF EASY IF YOU START SLACKING, YOU'LL HAVE A WORLD OF HURT COMING YOUR WAY! AND ALLOW ME TO ALSO ADD THAT-," Jordan glanced at the slab and squinted. "THAT THERE ARE VERY BAD THINGS, THINGS THAT COULD SCAR YOU FOR LIFE, SERIOUSLY, IF YOU MAKE ANY ATTEMPTS TO GET AT OR INTRUDE UPON MY SHED! OKAY? DO NOT ASSUME THAT JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF MAJORITY THAT AN EXTREME LEVEL OF PREJUDICE AND FORCE WILL NOT BE USED SHOULD YOU FAIL TO COMPLY WITH THIS DIRECTIVE." Jordan took a breath, and continued, slightly quieter. "I am honoured to be a member of this Academy's faculty, and it will be a beautiful experience to get to watch you all grow, as people, as elementalists, and as leaders. I've taught many students who went on to become far greater people than I, and also I have taught my fair share of students who have gone on to disappoint me to a degree that does not bear thinking about. I will repeat this, and you should all think of it as your initiation motto; This journey will become what you make of it. So whether you're a wielder of light, illuminating new ways of seeing truth, or a shaper of earth, growing deep roots of riches in yourselves and others, or a tamer of fire, burning a path towards renewal, or a channeller of water, flooding the land with power, or a bringer of air, blowing down barriers with bravery, or even... Even if you use darkness, you can still fight for the ideals of a just and fair society, even if the tools required demand harsh measures. But I expect the best from each student who attends this Academy, and no matter your element, you will be thrown out of it, and challenged, and made to grow. I will be your aid in this, as will every other member of the faculty. As long as you take each of our hands, we will raise every last one of you up into a world that's made all the brighter every day for your efforts! Welcome to the Academy! WELCOME TO YOUR NEW LIFE!" Jordan ended with a shout, his hands held high, the slab forgotten in his hand. The hall was silent. Jordan waited for applause, thinking he'd done a damned good job with that speech. He might've, [i]maybe[/i], just slightly strayed from Kanako's material, but... He'd had to! There was Jordan's shed to consider! [i]Did Catherine see my speech? Did she like it? That damned woman better not have missed my big moment![/i] [@KRAZY J][@liferusher][@Kalleth][@CriticalHit][@Old Amsterdam][@Arya10108909][@Raptra][@Aquanthe][@Regitnui][@Pseudo Stygian][@Hammerman][@Lord Orgasmo][@Stern Algorithm][@Ayame][@Zelosse]