[@Zahir] Thanks to Aviva's attention being behind him, he wouldn't notice a low hanging tree branch in-front of him causing him to be cloths lined with it hitting him square in the chest, it almost felt as if something put force into the branch to make sure he was knocked down. if he grazed at the tree he would at first see nothing wrong but wouldn't take long to notice a small face on the tree with a long nose, two eyes opening up and looking down at him. With suddenly the branches launching at him to attack, he had gotten himself away from the 'knife' and into the 'tree' Before the tree could get to close the horned rabbit from before would come sailing over Aviva and slam into the tree, causing the tree to release a very horrible and ear wrenching screech before it goes limp all of a sudden. When the rabbit frees itself a whole would be in the face of the tree ent. The rabbit would turn towards Aviva before preparing to launch again at him, seemed like it didn't want anything else to get it's meal.