Amidst the hustling and bustling of the restaurant, the voices carrying through the air, and the overall ruckus, a door, medium in size, without a doorknob or handle, one that hardly directed any attention away from the rest of the building, was pushed open. It only opened partway, however, before closing once again. A few seconds later, the door opened again, and, like the first time, it closed. The third time, however, the door opened all the way, to reveal a fairly normal looking woman holding two plates, one with a mountain of steaming, freshly cooked french fries, the other with a large hot dog, drenched in chili, struggling to hold open the door with her rump, as she slid out of the room beyond, which appeared to be a kitchen of sorts. [color=00aeef]"Hey, uh, boss,"[/color] she said, her eyes directed at the bartender as she made her way towards his bar. [color=00aeef]"Do we got any of them nifty MedBot things lyin' around? One of the cooks got a faceful of boiling chili and plate shards."[/color] As she finished speaking, the woman slid behind the counter of John's bar, squeezing past him to reach a masculine yet attractive looking woman brandishing a gun and talking to a curly-haired man. She placed each plate in front of the woman with a gun, one at a time, before putting on a charming grin. [color=00aeef]"Sorry about the wait, sharpshooter,"[/color] she said, [color=00aeef]"There was an accident in the kitchen. Someone slipped, and your chili dog got thrown into someone's face, so we had to make you a new one."[/color] There was a hesitant pause as the woman glanced to the side, before looking back at the patron. [color=00aeef]"It, uh, wasn't me if that's what you're about to imply."[/color] [@Lady Selune][@Pseudo Stygian]