[quote=@Penny]I'm certainly glad that the door was open for me to come here, but I'm a well educated woman with alot of advantages. I cant really blame a teenager fleeing the hell of El Salvador or the Mexican drug war for the safe, if illegal life here. [/quote] Not arguing, just clarifying -- I don't BLAME the teen either, it's not a question of blame or wrongdoing or whatever. No ill will whatsoever coming from me, I wish ALL folks the best, and particularly these folks as well. Illegal immigration is not a solution -- certainly not THE solution. We essentially force that teen to live off the grid, in fear, unable to earn an actual paycheck (and ill-equipped to even try) and so obligated to manual and/or illegal labor, whose only steady lifeline is to file for tax credits with a forged or stolen SSN. Like.... we are [i]directly incentivizing[/i] that. Could go further but it starts to sound incredibly racist. My point is: illegal immigration is very bad, and I don't just mean for Americans. I mean for the people stuck in it. We have to do better, and we [i]can't[/i] do better until we establish control. Thus, wall, door, reform. I consider it morally essential.