Dick had come to this village on a whim. He had had his doubts about the place at first, but the tavern was quiet enough for his tastes, and he could usually get a drink that didn't taste of piss and work on his novel in relative peace. That had been before the conquest at least. Now though, with an evil overlord pizda having put his publisher out of business, supposedly because it wasn't publishing appropriate material, Dick had come to the Giton simply to drink himself dead. Or come as close to it as was practical. He didn't have a bottomless purse. And so it was that Dick happened to be sitting at the bar, scratching away in his notebook when a room-shaking bang shook the room. Dick jumped, and saw some chuj holding a gun shouting pierdolony dymać about killing the Evil Overlord. "Kurwa," Dick muttered, having spilled his drink. He got up and staggered over to the pair of dupac who had interrupted his drinking. Then one of them transformed into a demon. This did not faze Dick, and neither did the wizard-looking man who had fired shots into the tavern's ceiling. Dick walked up to them both, being buffeted slightly by other patrons fleeing the bar. And Dick gave them both a once over, before burping. He made his way to the door, paused a moment, and then turned. Dick tossed the remaining contents of his wallet to the bartender. "What a sorry state this pierdolony world has come to..."