[img]http://i65.tinypic.com/2chlw6s.jpg[/img] [b]Hello, welcome, and thanks for stopping in![/b] [i]So then, with pleasantries put forth, now to the matter at hand. I have been inspired to write and develop a supernatural Roleplay which is centered around Vampires and Werewolves, though it contains a wide array of other beasts and beings of myth and legend. Witches, Warlocks, Ghouls, Banshees, and Spriggans, just to name a few. The primary plot of this RP revolves around two sisters and an ancient Master Vampire who has recently immigrated to the United States from Western Europe. One of the sisters will find herself completely compelled by a strange interest and borderline obsession with this evil in disguise, while the other grows increasingly wary and suspicious of this foreign stranger and more concerned with her sister as her interest in this mysterious man continues to boil up and grow. Eventually, he will reveal himself and who and what he is to the obsessed young woman, and she will be forced to choose between her sister and this "amazing" and wondrous new man in her life. Her decision will indefinitely bring her even closer to one and tear a gaping rift between her and the other. Either way, this young woman and her sister will soon find themselves staring into the terrifying depths of a whole new world, one that the rest of humankind refuses to believe exists. ____________________________________________________________ [/i] [b]BASIC BEGINNING SETTING[/b] [i]The basic setting will be as follows; The two sisters will be rather close as far as age difference, I'm thinking within the early to mid-20's reach. Both will have college degrees and will be employed at decent higher pay organizations. I'll leave the full details of where and by who up to my partners. I prefer that they will both be single at the start of the Roleplay, though obviously this is up for change. The RP will be set in New York, New York, as far as location. Well, at least at the start of the Roleplay. Further details, plotting, and information will be discussed between myself and my 2 partners. [/i] ____________________________________________________________ [b]PERSONAL RULES AND REGULATIONS[/b] 1. My role play/writing style itself is predominantly 3rd person. 2. My level of writing ranges from low casual to mid-advanced. 3. I am very in depth and heavily emphasize even the smallest of details in my writing. 4. I do not write/role play about smut/XXX material. I keep for mentioned sex scenes very discrete and veiled. 5. I do not role play via chat windows, private messaging, or any other private locales, I stick to the forums. 6. I am usually online every single day at some point or another. 7. I tend to prefer to have my Roleplays themed as novel series or Television series. Meaning that they are generally broken into Acts, "Episodes", or Chapters. 8. As for any questions, feel free to ask!