[center] [h3] Jade Stone | Mess Hall [/h3] [b]Mentions:[/b] [@QT] [@Jinxer] [@HecateProxy] [@Aquanthe] [/center] Jade had been left in utter silence as Sano had answered her question in a way that was strange to her. She had most likely brought up unwanted memories which quickly made her wish the the ground would swallow her whole. She knew all too well what it was like to feel the crushing memories so she looked down the boy spoke. It wasn't until he brought up the fact that his family helped build the wall that her eyes shot up to look at him. She frowned slightly as he abruptly ended the conversation and left, leaving them with orders as usual, it seemed. "Hm." Jade chewed over the information that Sano had shared with them before turning to look at Mora's face then to Lauren. Jade saw the look the two were giving her which quickly turned her look into a menacing scowl, warning them to stop. "I didn't scare him off!" She didn't really have much else to say to defend herself so she crossed her arms over her chest and turned her attention to the others, ignoring Mora and Lauren. Her eyes slowly went from face to face as she studied the talkative bunch. She stopped once she got to a boy who had exchanged an introduction with Lauren. Tanner, she believed his name to be. He was busy eating, thankfully, as Jade tried to figure out who he was. She couldn't seem to remember him visiting the bakery, unless she happened to be doing something that meant her being in the backroom. "Hi Tanner, I'm Jade." Once again she blurted out something without really thinking it through. in a way she didn't feel too dumb over her actions since the boy was practically being talked over. He had been there with people talking over and around him yet not really anyone speaking [i]to[/i] him. She sighed as she wished her attempts at being social seemed to be lacking of everything known to humankind in regards to be able to function as a normal human being. "Um. I just don't remember you and was wondering if you're from Shignashina as well." [i]'Never speaking to strangers again,'[/i] she thought as she had finished her statement towards Tanner. Hopefully she wouldn't scare him off too like Sano. She didn't mean to sound so harsh or mean. She was truly working on herself and hoping to at least be accepted for the time being.