[hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjAwMDAwMC5UV0Z5WTNWeklDSkhZWEoyWlhraUlFeGxiMjQsLjA,/propaganda-sight.shadow-persona.png[/img][/center] [hr] [@EchoicChamber][@VitoftheVoid] Marcus nodded in consensus with Esperanza’s words. [color=Gray]"Speaking to one of the professor's about it sounds like a good idea."[/color] he said. Inwardly, he realized he didn't quite agree with Esperanza's reasoning on the matter. The prospect of having a room to himself was a tantalizing one. In his eyes, Helena was fortunate. And it wasn't as if new friends couldn't be made outside the dormitory. Maybe Esperanza was attracted to the prospect of living with other students, and thus likely felt it odd that Helena be out of place by being alone. Marcus glanced at Esperanza and for the first time really scrutinized her appearance unabashed. [i]Bandages, weird."[/i] he mused as he noticed the streams of gauze running up, down and around her exposed appendages. [i]Who or what in the hell is hurting her like that?[/i] he was led to question. Maybe her environment was one of isolation and abuse. Yet she seemed comfortable with her herself, this shown by her dress. Yet her social skills attested to the latter. Marcus cocked his head inquisitively. [i]Could this be her own doing?[/i] It wasn't uncommon for those who experienced depression on a critical level to injure themselves, although this wasn't common back home in Lagos. Unfortunately, it was difficult to determine whether or not one was suffering from depression, but from what he could see the in the girl, she was quite the opposite in most cases. So there could be only one plausible possibility. [color=Gray]"You wouldn't happen too be a Blood Mage would you?"[/color] Marcus inquired, leaning forward in the seat he took during the orientation.