Brax laughed at the woman, a normal chuckle with metallic undertones. "[color=0072bc]She is a fool. But she could come in handy for getting out, no?[/color]" He whispered to his friend, then gestured to a rodian observing everyone in the room. "[color=0072bc]He also seems like he could be of service, friend.[/color]" Rishnot nodded, and looked at Brax. "[color=ed1c24]It all comes down to you and me. Remember that, kid. Anyone could stab us in the back. Even allies.[/color]" Brax laughed a bit louder, which was a mistake. They could attract unwanted attention. "[color=ed1c24]Bad idea, friend. We may not be ready to show ourselves to these people. Not all of them could be our allies.[/color]" Brax nodded solemnly. "[color=0072bc]Mark my words, Rishnot. It will not be long until we escape the hellhole called Theta 12.[/color]"