Iccho listened closely to the Vice Principal and Principal speak to the new students. The whole system about challenges to improve ones rank intrigued Iccho, however the reward of having better living accommodations didn't really appeal to him. Since he spent fortnights at a time on a ship, Iccho was use to cramped quarters and low quality meals. A simple life is what Iccho would always look for and he is not going to risk being expelled just to improve his life. However, ranking up higher will put him in the eye of better heroes. This will put him in better situations to improve as a hero when he gets a sidekick position. Iccho decided that he would challenge after the first round of challenges happen so he can do proper research. He will also have to make sure that he limits his powers if he does not need to go all out. Iccho was thinking so far ahead that he didn't even realize what the principal said until the permission to explore the grounds piqued his interest. He could go find his dorm, or explore the training grounds, or try to talk to some of the teachers to figure out what the school will be like. Before he had a chance to raise his voice with his ideas, the foreigner raised the option of finding something bad. Iccho was not sure if he should take that statement seriously, or if it was facetious. Then Dante questioned him about his boxing. [color=0072bc]"If you guys are interested in boxing and doing something, we could go find the training center. We could see what kind of equipment we are working with and if there is even a boxing ring."[/color] This would be a good opportunity to see what some of the fellow students had hidden up their sleeves. Iccho stood up after his suggestion and started walking towards the gate which were starting to open. [@Tominas][@Araby264][@Superboy][@Tenma Tendo]