[quote=@DarkwolfX37] Oh right btw, the service went well, one of the verses David picked out was used. A song got to me but other than that is was a pretty chill and cool time. Got to see my cousins for the first time in years, gonna be a second-cousin in a few months, got to play minigolf with one of my cousins for the first time in years and lost 24 bucks in stroke losses. Haven't payed him yet cause I forgot my money at home. Also forgot my ID so I wound up taking a picture with a beer but not drinking any, probably wouldn't have tried it anyway since I'm worried about my meds interacting. Smelled good though. [/quote] Thanks for the update. [quote=@DarkwolfX37] When was the last time we had a convo in private? [/quote] Probably 2015. We could have one right now and send pictures of anime girls back and forth; my door is always open to weeb experiences like that.