Lyra's mind was exploding, but in a good way. The hall was a thing of near-impossible beauty, with its naturally made seats and walls, but as soon as the speech started, her mind drifted back to what just happened back in the fountain. She couldn't remember all the faces who were there, not paying attention being exactly her forte, but he remembered the headmaster, and the voice of the second teacher sound familiar. She remembered Ms. Hargreaves, of course. Oh, if she had the time and the mind for it, Lyra would scramble all over her, asking her so many questions about the elements. She couldn't really pay attention to their speech however. Her mind was still drifting back to what she saw earlier. A boy who was drawing in the air! A light elementalist, she guessed, who was able to rearrange electromagnetic waves in small space. He was crying earlier after the girl had started freezing (Lyra couldn't remember the girl either, but her voice was fresh in her mind), and- And he's sitting right in front of her! Without thinking too much about it, she tapped the boy lightly on his shoulder. "Hey, hello," she whispered. "You're the one from the fountain, aren't you? The one who was drawing, in the air?" And then realising that it was probably rude to suddenly ask up how a stranger does anything, she added, "I'm Lyra." [@Regitnui]