Janius was reaffirmed by Kaleeth's small gesture. He straightened his head higher. "I'm glad I was able to see-" "Tell us what happened," Remus' firm voice interrupted. "Tell us where you have been." It took a moment for Janius to thaw his frozen up lungs. He began slowly. "Those years ago, I set out on a mission with the Fighters Guild to clear a bear den that was threatening the green road to the close north. I went with two other fighters, Tomlyn and Erabeth. We were expecting a mother and cubs at most. When we walked into the den, an abandoned mine, there was a cave-in that trapped us. And there were giant spiders. Many of them. Tomlyn was struck and succumbed to venom. Erabeth panicked and was trapped, killed by a bite before I could cut her out. I survived because of luck and the fire magic I had learned. I had to evade throughout the day, picking off the spiders. When they were all dead, I could not dig myself out, so I waited for rescue. Or do die." For recounting such a harrowing experience as he was describing, Janius was surprisingly straightforward and clear about it. Aeramina continued to softly sob and Remus continued to frown and stare. "After one day, when the air was getting unbearably thick, a party of men in dark Imperial legion uniforms dug through the cave-in," Janius continued. "They told me to come with them. They were ahead of a search party being called, or something of that nature." Janius lowered his eyes now that the story had truly fallen into complete fiction. "They were from the Penitus Oculatus. They said they could use me because I would be dead on the Imperial census soon. They started me on training, and then to operations. I...am not at liberty to elaborate on them." He glanced at Kaleeth, reminded. "I met Kaleeth on a mission in Black Marsh. She was unrelated to the particular objectives at the time." The room was silent again. Remus was still, almost as if he expected more said. "And why have you returned only now?" Remus asked, slow and droning. [hr] "That is most gracious of you." Pircalmo's smile widened. "It will be no easy thing to commit to, especially for someone of your lifespan. But, even a decade or two of support in such a crux as this seems to be will be beneficial for her. I thank you." Without any awareness of touching sensitivities, Pircalmo turned to pack up the tea set onto its tray and moved on. "As for not knowing, I have lived long enough to appreciate my family's need for professional secrets. It is to protect us, not just the interests of the secret keepers themselves. The important parts are still freely shared: Love, trust, support, and anything else family is for." The door handle clacked and opened again. Lunise walked in looking just as prim and composed as she had been walking through the college grounds. Even the small smudges on her facial make-up from her tears were seamlessly repaired. She walked up to them both. "Shall we take our leave, then?" Pircalmo left the rest of the cleaning up for later. He turned back around and spread his arms. "As you wish, little moonbeam." The two closed in for another hug. "Thank you for visiting. Now go and conquer the world like you always do." "Love you, father," Lunise whispered. "I love you too, dear." Pircalmo said. The pair pulled away. Lunise had a small smile again. Pircalmo's attention turned fully to Meesei. He extended a hand and bowed. "It was lovely to make your acquaintance, Meesei. Divines be with you in all your future tasks."