[quote=@Neurovoid] i'd consider making a discord server for this roleplay, considering chatrooms are an easy way to hash out relations between characters and such. [/quote] I'm all for it. The one game I've had so far that has used a discord was awesome. Planning events, character interactions and other stuff was incredibly easy, and it opened up for people to get to know each other better by off-topic talk without flooding the OOC with nonsense. [quote=@Raineh Daze] So are OOC threads. "It's quicker" is not the ideal argument. xD [/quote] I usually don't want to be that guy, but in this case "it's quicker" is one of the best arguments. If I need to check something about the game or my character with other players or the GM, I'd very much prefer it if the whole thing took ten minutes instead of three hours. Having a Discord would also give us several channels to coordinate the game through. Each "team" (however they will look in this game) can have their own channel where they can talk about their own stuff. Character feedback doesn't have to share space with event planning or meme-sharing. We'd also have a natural place to coordinate posts between people without having to rely on external web pages. If the main complaints are a lack of comfort of communication and moderation I have to side with Asura. The difference in pure communication between a forum and a chat is only the average post length. If you're comfortable with how this thread have been for the last page with pretty much one short sentence per post then I say a chatroom will be no different. A chatroom can also be moderated, even harsher than this forum as we'd run it ourselves, set our own rules and wouldn't have to pray to the almighty forumgods to get something done if they have time. In the end, nothing is stopping any of us from writing the exact same things on a forum as we would in a chat room. I believe the question is whether or not one truly believes that without an impartial moderator people will, without fail, behave like complete bastards. I don't, and if they would the kick-button is right there, problem solved. Just follow the golden rule.