[@Inkarnate] Well the site I usually go to, to find new music. (and see every black metal and rap record get overrated to the point of wondering if fans of those genres on that site can accurately critique things.) Seems to like her okay. Though her current album is the lowest rated one. But as for that particular argument. I'd like to believe nobody is stupid enough to argue that, given how musical production often costs a decent chunk of money in the first place. But I literally went through a "rap music is special, since it's street musik argument." which seems to imply the exact same thing. If you lived in the ghetto, or even exist in the genre that started there. You're all set. And if you haven't lived there. (or have and just think it sucks.) You don't know nothing. There's always been a 'sellout ideal' of all genres of music or people wishing their artists "stay underground" or be "not known". While there's some backing to that, the word sellout is so overused. It's ridiculous. Artists and writers often get this criticism when they try to profit off their work, or youtubers that open a patreon. Creative people making money seems to be a sin for many individuals, and anyone who isn't blinded by their own greed. It's obvious that argument comes from greed from their success. Some people are born more creative and some actually work hard enough to become good at something. Some don't try and some aren't born with any creative talent. That's just how the world works. Just because you work a desk job doesn't mean an artist shouldn't be paid for their hours of work. People in general seem to think rich/well off people are evil and impure, it's even a winning political argument more often than not. More money, whether earned from hard work or not. You shouldn't have so much money. Same baseless logical process. Having too much money makes what you're doing wrong and being poor makes you pure, is a shitty argument in any situation. But it's a more commonplace argument than you might think... Also I could always use more indie folk in my life. So that's another band I need to listen to today. <.<