Tora was earnestly lost as what to do for the remainder of the day. He had to keep up appearances for the time being, even now that he knew who Jocelyn was. That meant attending every class as though he had some interest in them, and participating as a student would. He'd do it, albeit as minimally as possible. In his short time on campus he was liable to no doubt leave a mark on it, thanks in part to his snippy attitude. After lunch ended his next class was computer sciences, an elective. There was absolutely no use in this course, of that he was certain upon entering. The actual lecture as it turned out would be on basic coding for a website, and each student was required to put one together before the class was dismissed. For some strange reason Tora just couldn't the motivation to do such a thing. After throwing together the sloppiest excuse for a site he could in just under fifteen minutes he began to browse the internet. There was something that warranted his attention, certainly more than this bothersome class. With knowledge of Jocelyn's supposedly rocky past he had to find some evidence of it, something to support the story. What he had been told just didn't sit well with him, it seemed off. The woman that had been taking care of her had been picked not by random, but because she seemed like a good candidate. The chances of Jocelyn being left in the care of a homicidal guardian were slim to none, which begged the question of what really happened. Did the woman just snap and try to kill her, or was there more to it? Unfortunately by the time the bell finally sounded off Tora's search had been unsuccessful. Without knowing where she had lived before it was impossible to pinpoint any news articles on the subject. A broad, more generalized search had produced plenty of results, but as many as he had checked not a single one had proven fruitful. There had been numerous accounts of that kind of thing happening, and just to be safe he went through articles as far back as 20 years. Either this database simply didn't have it or there was no report, which seemed terribly unlikely. In all the investigation had been an utter waste, and a rather frustrated Tora sulked out of the room. That scenario was still bothering him, he had to find out exactly what had gone on. Somehow he figured asking Jocelyn directly was a no go, and her brother most likely wouldn't want to recount it. She lived with her aunt now, maybe that woman would be his best bet then. To get close enough to her to ask was going to be an issue in of itself. Not only that, but earning the right to hear such a story was another matter entirely. Damn it all, this was a bigger headache than it had to be. For once he really wouldn't mind having a sheet in front of him with the word 'Answers' in bold print, it'd make his life a hell of a lot easier. When he got home later he'd keep reading up on it. If someone happened to know where she had lived when it happened he could narrow his search significantly and go from there. Maybe he'd ask someone before leaving today, and then his work would be loads easier. As of now though Tora couldn't bother with that, he had another class to see to. Now gym was his sort of class. Nothing but physical activity, and a chance to perhaps show some other students up. There weren't a ton of people he was personally familiar with yet, but he had already placed most of the kids into their little cliques. Instantly his least favorite of said groups had become the jocks, namely the boys. They were arrogant, snooty, rude and self-centered. Sure he might be an ass from time to time, but Tora didn't consider himself to be selfish or even arrogant. Confident sure, not arrogant. To him they were just a bunch of muscled brats that needed a good spanking to get their ass in line, and he was just courteous enough to help them with that. It all would depend on what they were actually doing during gym too, since it'd be awfully hard to hit anyone if they were playing, say, soccer. He'd find out soon enough, but first he had to change. The school had been nice enough to let him know about getting some athletic clothes beforehand, so he'd taken the liberty of stuffing them in his bag. Once inside the locker room he casually undressed to his boxers, nearly laughing at how awkward some of the other boys were laughing. Homophobes, or just really insecure? Hard to tell, but when he saw one jock slap his friend's backside he almost pegged them as more than just friends. Whereas everyone else had uniforms he only had some self-bought clothes. Presumably he'd get a set before the year was over, provided he was around then and if he bothered to stay in class that long. Instead of the standard uniform then he first slipped on a simple pair of black running shorts, a blue and white stripe running down the side of each leg. Fastening the ties around his waist he then put a sleeveless gray shirt over his head, instantly frowning once it was on. It was a little tight, grabbing him despite being made of relatively loose fabric. Well, it showed off his physique, so maybe he could mess with some girls too. If he could get a girl looking and piss off one of the guys then all the better. Out into the field with the class everyone began to loosely gather together. The P.E. teacher was still inside, so everyone had a moment to mingle and laugh it up, or act like idiots. Tora watched as kids quickly grouped together with friends, instantly ignoring the others that were around them. The way that this school worked was so damned stupid, it annoyed him so much. They were all classmates, did they really have to do this 'social order' bullshit? Then again these classes were just a tad different than his own, and by no means as important as his were. Since they were likely never going to do anything with their lives he supposed they could afford to be about cohesive as a town drunk after his sixth beer. Ah well, sort of a shame really. It did beg the question though as to where precisely would he fit in? He had the build of a jock, but the knowledge of sports comparable to someone in the chess club. Not to mention his glasses, which for some indescribable reason had earned him the pet-name of 'geek' several times already that day. It had been tempting to show those kids precisely what this 'geek' could do, but the school code expressly forbid shoving your food up their rear end, or probably something close enough to that. Tora just smiled and shrugged it off, not really getting upset over it anyways. He knew full well that he'd have them apologizing in seconds if he could have it his way, and that was sweet enough. While waiting for the teacher to come out he casually looked about the class, hoping to stir up some trouble. Did he go and just pick a fight, or sort of instigate one in a more passive and fun manner? Tora opted for the latter, it was time to get creative. If there was one thing that would definitely tick off these muscle bound bozos it was having someone looking at their girl. And so he went about sending glances in each pretty girl's direction, hoping eventually one of them would return his gaze. Eventually he found one that did, a brunette who was really just average at best. She clung to one of the 'popular' guys like a fly on crap though, albeit her grip seemed to lessen slightly when their eyes met. Smiling suavely at her he gave a little wink, blowing her a kiss before beginning to casually stretch. She took a glance at her boyfriend before looking back at him, giving him a small wave and a smile in turn. Someone in the group must have said something just then, because the boy she was with looked back at him, and after a few exchanged words he didn't look happy at all. Oops.