[color=f7941d]If only the ship could fly, this'd all be so easy. There'd be no more sea monsters. Storms would be a cinch in comparison. Raiding land settlements and dragon's lairs wouldn't be limited by the coastline. And throwing people overboard would result in much less cruel and inconsistent deaths. It would do better to coat the hull in metal, since a breach in the sky would be far more catastrophic than in the sea. How to keep it in the air with all that weight, however? It would need some [i]very[/i] lightweight materials, as well as a strong propulsion system. And what of weaponry? Simple cannon won't do, that's like throwing stones at the clouds! Perhaps harpoons? Yes, giant harpoons capable of tearing through the deck of another vessel from above or a dragon's scaled hide from the flank! Oh, right. There's a battle going on, isn't there? To be discussed with the captain in the morning, then. Back to business![/color] Eliza stepped forward, immediately bombarded by the oppressive wintry winds. At least her Wheeling Shoes were deactivated, or else her small form would be battered by the ship itself in this chaotic storm. Her eyes squinted as she stared down her caged beast in the midst of the blizzard, soon lighting up with clarity and recognition. Her spare hand was firmly planted on the railing of the ship as she carefully stepped as closely as she could toward it. [color=f7941d]"Cease fire! [i]Cease fire![/i]"[/color] she bellowed over the raging battle, falling on a couple of deaf or maddened ears. As she approached the elemental entity, she audibly gulped --or it would be audible if there wasn't an obnoxious threat of death-- but softened her gaze to something more sympathetic. [color=f7941d]"We're going to calm down, Mister Theullai. We're not trying to hurt you or your home, we were just passing through a storm and swept up into you."[/color] she said as diplomatically as she could with yelling. [hider=Stuffs]No mechanical change from before, except she has moved two squares to the East (toward the wolf and the bow of the ship).[/hider]