[@Sisyphus] I've just BARELY scratched the surface with my 7 year old son. We're still on our first or second suit and stuck in the first several missions in the opening of the game, but he insists I not "change his guy." He somehow got the color scheme looking tight with a couple shades of red with some white still in the torso and trim. When I found out it was loosely connected to the 2008 game Dark Sector everything made a little more sense. The final suits from that game were what inspired Warframe and the game used a lot of similar elements, names, and themes. Admittedly this RP will be similar to Warframe but I honestly wrote this iCheck out before reading spoilers for the Warframe storyline, and I just came up on the connection to Dark Sector early this morning. I kept wondering why images from the game kept showing up in google searches and noticed the similarities instantly. I'll likely tweak the opening summary in the OP before I finish the CS model. Just add a little more info here and there.... ~KL~