[@Zanavy] A young boy with shoulder-length curly brown hair skipped - that's right, he skipped - across the field toward them. Distracting them, the boy, who did not look any older than 12 or 13 years old, joyfully bounced toward them. The rattlesnake slithered away into the tall grass and out of sight. As the boy came to within a dozen feet, he stopped, and did not seem at all taxed by the physical activity; in fact, due to the low gravity, he had bounced higher than you would have thought normal, and actually appeared to be feeling even more energetic than when he'd started jogging toward them. Like yourself, he glowed as well. However, in addition to his pure white robe, he also wore a small crown on his head, made of silver and bronze. Clearly he was royalty. [quote]To discern more about his appearance, roll for perception, and then roll again for insight into his intent and motivations.[/quote]