Zane was sat in the corner of the room, reading a book about the history of demons among western culture. Hearing the nattering of the heavily Christian girl, and began to think about how non-unique Jesus actually was. After all, the first story in the world was about a demigod, and the majority of the Greek pantheon was about the children of the gods. If you compare some of their feats, it was insane to think that some preacher could become the figurehead for the largest religion in the world? "Bunch of nonsense..." He said, unaware he had spoken aloud. Looking up, he saw the Christian girl had just finished speaking. Yoshi, her name was. Standing up, he walked over to the board, and wrote his name. Turning around, his nervous gaze looked more like an angry glare. Coughing, he began. "I'm Zane. Zane Wulf. I'm a second year, and a student of the Wulf Dojo. For a fun fact... the word Demon in English comes from the Greek word for God, or Genius. Perhaps the word was corrupted by the Christians as a way of demeaning pagan religions of Europe." After saying this, he rubbed his name off and walked back to his seat.