[img]http://img11.deviantart.net/7540/i/2009/080/9/e/orthanc_by_shume_1.jpg[/img] [h1]Northaven Tower, Central Fellmore[/h1] A trail of blood trickled from the closed metal fist, and the solemn echo of obsidian boots reverberated through the halls. The Warlock placed his hand on the double doors and paused. Today was the day. Everything, the whole world, was about to change, and his words would spark it. Millions would die. Yet, he could find no remorse in his heart. How many had already fallen? How many more would fall if he did not speak? No, there could be no more room for doubt. It was time. He pushed open the doors and strode onto the balcony. A stiff breeze whipped through his snowy hair. He turned his gaze down, where he beheld his creation. A hundred thousand warriors stood below, orcs, kobolds, and goblins, waiting on his word to bring death upon their enemies. A deep hush fell over the army when they saw him. He gripped his staff - it was now or never. "We were great once." His clear voice rang over the wind. "Once upon a time, we were warriors, proud of our heritage, and glorious to our households. Our men and women brought great bounties of food to our tables, and our servants wrought wondrous works for their families. Our children played in the streets, bold and fearless as they grew into upstanding citizens of the nation." "Look at us now. Men who call themselves 'heroes' slaughter us by the thousands, and with broad smiles they smear the blood of our kin upon every wall. Their 'champions of justice' raise the banner of 'democracy' and 'freedom' with one hand, and with the other they bring down the executioner's blade upon the innocent. But now, brothers and sisters, I have come to end it. No more shall the Chosen Champions shed your blood with poetry on their lips. No longer shall their holy iron sear your minds before the bloody sword. I, Druth Vanarys, will be your Advocate. This day, you shall have your voice. And this day, that voice shall say...ENOUGH!" The earth shook with violent shouts of approval. The soldiers stamped their feet and rattled their weapons, invigorated and ready to fight. Seizing upon the moment, the Warlock poured out the blood in his hand upon the earth and bellowed: "MARCH FORTH!" With a mighty cry, the army turned and marched for Aetherion.